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. 2024 Oct 14;7(10):e2439499. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.39499

Table 1. Characteristics of Older Adults With Diagnoses of Dementia, MI, COPD, and Colon Cancer in 2016a.

Characteristic Participants, No. (%) (N = 1 626 127)
Dementia (n = 818 862) MI (n = 199 195) COPD (n = 557 364) Colon cancer (n = 50 706)
Age, mean (SD), y 82.0 (7.8) 79.6 (8.0) 77.8 (7.6) 78.3 (7.4)
Female 492 146 (60.1) 99 687 (50.0) 303 068 (54.4) 27 293 (53.8)
Male 326 716 (39.9) 99 508 (50.0) 254 296 (45.6) 23 413 (46.2)
Race and ethnicity
American Indian 4087 (0.5) 1200 (0.6) 2672 (0.5) 266 (0.5)
Asian 13 646 (1.7) 3002 (1.5) 9148 (1.6) 1091 (2.2)
Black 72 935 (8.9) 16 301 (8.2) 44 514 (8.0) 4627 (9.1)
Hispanic 14 063 (1.7) 3081 (1.5) 8272 (1.5) 746 (1.5)
White 714 131 (87.2) 175 611 (88.2) 492 758 (88.4) 43 976 (86.7)
Dual eligible 174 116 (21.3) 36 570 (18.4) 95 942 (17.2) 8960 (17.7)
Chronic Condition Warehouse comorbidities, No.
0-7 196 752 (24.0) 42 415 (21.3) 189 234 (34.0) 20 034 (39.5)
8-13 353 607 (43.2) 83 460 (41.9) 244 762 (43.9) 19 725 (38.9)
≥14 268 495 (32.8) 73 320 (36.8) 123 364 (22.1) 10 947 (21.6)
Metropolitan county residence 624 935 (76.3) 143 571 (72.1) 416 308 (74.7) 37 680 (74.3)
Social deprivation index
1-33 289 116 (35.3) 69 168 (34.7) 201 301 (36.1) 18 010 (35.5)
34-66 289 995 (35.4) 73 134 (36.7) 201 057 (36.1) 18 089 (35.7)
67-100 239 742 (29.3) 56 893 (28.6) 155 002 (27.8) 14 607 (28.8)
Time followed, median (IQR), mo 37 (11-49) 42 (6-49) 49 (23-49) 49 (10-49)

Abbreviations: COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; MI, myocardial infarction.


The after period includes the month of diagnosis and the following 48 months.