Guiding pattern criteria for the selection of OCT scans, comparing the patterns observed in healthy oral mucosa (a) with those in OL (b), OLP (c), and OSCC (d). OL: Oral Leukoplakia; OLP: Oral Lichen Planus; OSCC: Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma; KL: Keratinized Layer; SEL: Stratified Epithelial Layer; BM: Basement Membrane; LP: Lamina Propria. (*) Presence of ‘icicle-like’ structures: hyper-reflective conical configurations that extend from the superficial cellular layers (SEL) to the deeper ones (BM and LP), commonly reported in OSCC, suggestive of neoplastic intra/sub-epithelial infiltration (indicated by white arrows ↑) [19].