FIG. 2.
Visualization of icosahedrally ordered tegument in dmVP26-minus virions. The dmVP26-minus virion reconstruction is displayed at 1.2 standard deviations above mean density. At this density threshold, only the icosahedrally ordered tegument densities are visible. To generate this map, the five copies of tegument density around one penton were first computationally isolated. These densities were then replicated and rotated around the icosahedral symmetry axes to the positions of the 11 other vertices to obtain a map containing only tegument densities (blue). This map was then superimposed back onto the dmVP26-minus virion reconstruction (gray). The unique structural components of the capsid are labeled 5 (penton), P, C, E, and Ta-Tf (icosahedrally unrelated hexons and triplexes, respectively).