Table 1. Patient-disease and transplant-related characteristics (N-143).
Variable | Value | Total N (%) |
Age at alloHCT | Median and range | 18y (3-51y). |
White blood cells at diagnosis | Median and range x10E9/L | 35 (2-7) |
Gender | Female Male |
105(73%) 38(26.5%) |
Adults/Pediatrics | Adult pediatric |
67(47%) 76(33%) |
ALL subtype (T-cell/B-cell) | T-ALL B-ALL |
46(33.5%) 95(66.5%) |
Philadelphia by RT-PCR | Positive | 34(24%) |
Disease risk | High standard |
48(34%) 95(66%) |
Testicular boost | Yes | 67(47%) |
Disease status at alloHCT | CR1 ≥ CR2 |
63 (44%) 80 (56%) |
Post all-HCT molecular only relapse by RT-PCR | Yes | 2(1.3%) |
Post alloHCT isolated CNS relapse | Yes | 1(6.6%) |
Conditioning regimen | Myeloablative Reduced Intensity |
131(91.6%) 12(8.4%) |
Thiotepa containing conditioning | Yes | 6(4%) |
Stem Cell Source | Blood graft | 123(86%) |
aGVHD | Yes | 74(45%) |
cGVHD | Yes | 69(41%) |
Disease status at last follow up | Remission | 128(90%) |
Patient status at last follow up | Alive | 109(76%) |