Figure 4.
RSV-A (A) and RSV-B (B) geometric mean neutralization titers and mean geometric increases (per-protocol set for humoral immunogenicity). Confidence intervals (CIs) are depicted as error bars. Abbreviations: ED60, estimated dilution 60; MGI, mean geometric increase (ie, geometric mean of the within-participant ratios of the post-vaccination over the pre-vaccination neutralization titers); Placebo, received placebo; POST, 1 month after vaccination; PRE, before vaccination; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; 50–59-AIR, group of 50–59-year-old participants at increased risk for RSV disease; 50–59-non-AIR, group of 50–59-year-old participants without increased risk for RSV disease; ≥60, group of ≥60-year-old participants.