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FIG. 4.

FIG. 4

Junction of the duplicated sequences in the gene 5 dsRNAs of SA11 30-1A and SA11-5S. The junction of the duplicated sequences includes one (30-1A) or three (5S) nontemplated T residues. Aligned with each junction are the sequences of the wild-type gene 5 dsRNAs of SA11 30-19 or SA11-4F. The alignment indicates the potential sites where the viral RdRP and nascent RNA dissociated from the wild-type RNA template and then, at an upstream site on the same template, reassociated and reinitiated RNA synthesis using the nascent RNA as a primer. The arrowed line illustrates the movement of the RdRP along the wild-type sequence and the synthesis of the nontemplated T residues required to generate the junction sequence during plus-strand synthesis. Repeated sequences near the site where the RdRP is proposed to have dissociated from the wild-type template are overlined. Identity between the 3′-terminal sequence of the nascent transcript and the sequence near where the RdRP reinitiated transcription is also shown.