(A) Schematic of a 5-kb region of yeast chromosome VII containing the OLE1 ORF (thick arrow), showing 2.9-kb fragment I, which complements BMV-directed GUS expression in ole1w yeast, and noncomplementing fragments II and III. Arrows show flanking ORFs. (B) Complementation of BMV-directed GUS expression in ole1w yeast by fragment I of panel A. wt and ole1w yeast cells were transformed with the yeast centromeric plasmid pRS200 carrying fragment I or with the empty plasmid vector. Transformants were grown, and GUS activity was measured as described in the legend to Fig. 1B. (C) The isogenic strain ole1wi, constructed by replacing the OLE1 gene in wt YMI04 with the ole1w gene from mutant yeast, reproduced the phenotype of the original ole1w mutant.