Fig. 3.
Local administration of memantine increases taurine levels. Time-course graphs of extracellular levels of A taurine in the nAc after administration of ethanol (300 mM) or vehicle (Ringer’s solution) within the nAc using reversed microdialysis. Extracellular levels of B taurine in the nAc following local administration of the NMDA receptor antagonist memantine (100 µM) alone or together with ethanol. Area under the curve of C taurine levels during local perfusion with vehicle or memantine during 0–60 min demonstrates memantine to elevate extracellular taurine levels compared to Ringer-treated controls. Area under the curve of D taurine levels during local perfusion with vehicle, ethanol or memantine alone or together with ethanol in the nAc during time point 60–180 min shows that ethanol increases extracellular taurine levels compared to Ringer-treated controls and that memantine combined with ethanol increase extracellular taurine levels compared to memantine alone. All data are presented as mean ± SEM. **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. AUC = area under the curve, EtOH = ethanol, Mem = memantine, nAc = nucleus accumbens, Veh = vehicle.