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. 2024 Sep 7;5(11):100720. doi: 10.1016/j.jtocrr.2024.100720

Table 1.

Baseline Clinical Characteristics of the Patients

Characteristics N = 583
Age, y
 Median (range) 72 (30–95)
Sex, n (%)
 Male 224 (38.4)
 Female 359 (61.6)
Smoking status, n (%)
 Never 325 (55.8)
 Current 34 (5.8)
 Former 224 (38.4)
ECOG performance status, n (%)
 0 216 (37.1)
 1 281 (48.2)
 2 60 (10.3)
 3 20 (3.4)
 4 2 (0.3)
 Missing 4 (0.7)
Histologic type, n (%)
 Adenocarcinoma 571 (97.9)
 Squamous 9 (1.5)
 NOS 2 (0.3)
 LCNEC 1 (0.2)
Overall disease classification, n (%)
 Metastatic 395 (67.8)
 Recurrence 169 (29.0)
 Locally advanced 19 (3.3)
CNS metastases, n (%)
 Yes 169 (29.0)
 No 414 (71.0)
EGFR mutation type, n (%)
 Exon 19 deletion 285 (48.9)
 L858R 266 (45.6)
 Others 32 (5.5)

CNS, central nervous system; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; LCNEC, large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma; NOS, not otherwise specified.