Hepatic gene-expression differences between CDAHFD-fed and chow-fed Göttingen Minipigs. A: 30 KEGG pathways identified with significantly increased activity and normalized enrichment score >2. B: 24 KEGG pathways identified with significant decreased activity and normalized enrichment score <-2. C: expression of 24 genes (identified in Ref. 28) involved in fibrosis in human MAFLD/MASH in CDAHFD-fed minipigs and in human MASLD/MASH patients. D: comparison and ranking of MHPS in CDAHFD-fed minipigs (time points: 2 mo and t0, marked with an arrow) and 41 rodent models relative to disease characteristics in MASLD/MASH patients with predominantly metabolic alterations. E: comparison and ranking of MHPS in CDAHFD-fed minipigs (time points: 2 mo and t0, both are marked with arrows) and 41 rodent models relative to disease characteristics in human MASLD/MASH patients characterized by more advanced disease and fibrosis.*, **, and *** indicate adjusted P value <0.05, <0.01, and <0.001, respectively, vs. chow-fed minipigs and $ P value <0.05 vs. chow-fed minipigs. KEGG pathways (A and B) were clustered according to the Ward method. NAFLD activity scores and fibrosis scores for the 2-mo time point in comparison to the t0 time point are shown in Supplemental Fig. S6.