Road map of the ICAM-1 footprint on the surface of CAV21, showing the surface amino acids (left) and exposed peptide segments that are in contact with ICAM-1 (middle). The partial outline of the triangular, icosahedral asymmetric unit is indicated. The canyon is shown in gray, and the buried VP1 hydrophobic pocket is shown by the circular broken line, with a representative drug bound. Also shown are the amino acids of ICAM-1 in contact with the CAV21 surface (right). Amino acids (left and right panels) are blue (basic), red (acidic), green (hydrophobic), and yellow (polar). Virus residues (left panel) are numbered from 1001, 2001, and 3001 in VP1, VP2, and VP3, respectively. Note the charge complementarity and matching of hydrophobic regions between the CAV21 and ICAM-1 binding surfaces. In the middle panel, the peptide segments are differentiated by color.