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[Preprint]. 2024 Oct 7:2024.10.04.616662. [Version 2] doi: 10.1101/2024.10.04.616662

Figure 2. Characterization of capillary pinning features used in STOMP to generate multi-region suspended tissues.

Figure 2.

Geometric considerations of a) vampire and b) cavity pinning feature designs. Graphs of maximum Laplace pinning pressure plotted against c) α, pin angle of the vampire feature and d) β, pin angle of the cavity feature. Solid lines represent a Laplace pinning pressure (ΔPvampire or ΔPcavity) for a contact angle of θ=30°, which is the average contact angle for 5 mg/mL collagen on 3D-printed resin treated with 1% BSA at room temperature for one hour. Upper and lower bounds of the Laplace pinning pressure is calculated based on the largest measured contact angle (θ=48°) and the smallest measured contact angle (θ=15°) on 1% BSA-treated 3D-printed resin. If the Laplace pinning pressure is greater than that of the hydrostatic pressure (ΔPhydrostatic=33.5Pa) then pinning is predicted to occur (shaded in green). If the Laplace pinning pressure is less than ΔPhydrostatic, then pinning will not occur (shaded in magenta). e) Representative video still images of 23 μL of a 5 mg/mL precursor collagen solution pipetted into two different 1% BSA treated STOMP devices containing the vampire pinning features; left four images use devices with α=20 and right four images use devices α=45°. f) Representative video still images of 23 μL of a 5 mg/mL precursor collagen solution pipetted into two different 1% BSA treated STOMP devices containing the cavity pinning features; left four images uses devices with β=40° and right four images use devices with β=100°. Scale bars on insets are 1 mm. All other scale bars are 3 mm. g) Visualization for the loss of pinning mechanism, where a pink arrow indicates the direction of flow of the purple hydrogel, with pinning first lost at the bottom of the channel.