Fig. 7. Cryo-EM structure of HCMV gH/UL116/UL141 3-mer.
a, Schematic representation of the domain organization of HCMV gH, UL116, and UL141. b, Cryo-EM map of the HCMV gH/UL116/UL141 3-mer complex ectodomain, with gH shown in grey, UL116 in purple, and UL141 in teal. The dashed lines indicate the hypothetical locations of the protein stalks. The inset displays front and back views of a symmetry-expanded focused local refinement around the gH-UL116 interaction. Resolved locations of N-linked glycans from focused refinements are highlighted in yellow. c, Ribbon diagram of the gH/UL116/UL141 3-mer. The inset presents front and back views of the ribbon diagram focusing on the gH-UL116 interaction. Resolved N-linked glycans from focused refinements are also highlighted in yellow.