Fig. 8. Cryo-EM structure validation.
a, Gold-standard Fourier shell correlation (FSC) curves for the refinements of the HCMV gH/UL116/UL141 dimer (left) and the symmetry-expanded focused local refinement of the gH-UL116 interface (right). b, Conical FSC (cFSC) analysis of the half maps. The blue cFSC summary plot displays the mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of correlations at each spatial frequency. The green histogram shows the distribution of 0.143 threshold crossings, corresponding to the spread of resolution values across different directions. c, Euler angle distribution plot of the particles used in the final 3D reconstructions, demonstrating complete coverage of projections as generated in CryoSPARC. d, Final reconstructions filtered and colored by local resolution, as estimated in CryoSPARC.