a, An ELISA assay for analyzing the cross-binding of tetramers assembled from the high-affinity Siglec-7/9 ligand (8bio) or the natural Neu5Ac-LacNAc (6bio) towards a panel of mouse Siglecs and human Siglec-7 and -9. b,c, Analysis of in vivo Siglec-7/-9 degradation efficiency in tumor-infiltrating CD11b+ cells from B16-GMCSF tumors in Sig7/9+ mice at different time points following intratumoral administration of Sig7/9de (5–15 μg). GMCSF, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor. d, Assessment of Siglec-7/-9 depletion in tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells (including TAMs, PMN-MDSCs, M-MDSCs and DCs) following administration of 10 μg Sig7/9de to B16-GMCSF tumor-bearing Sig7/9+ mice for 2 days. e,f, Assessment of in vivo Siglec-7/-9 depletion efficiency in tumor and tumor dLN-infiltrating T cells following administration of 10 μg Sig7/9de or PBS to B16-GMCSF tumor-bearing Sig7/9+ mice for 2 days. Data are mean ± s.d. Two-tailed unpaired Student’s t-test (a,c,e,f).