Figure 2.
The usefulness of Biopsy 2 pathological targets for predicting long-term outcomes.
“A” was defined as SLEDAI-2K = 0 and PSL ⩽5 mg/day. “B” was defined as proteinuria ⩽0.2 g/day, normal serum Cr level, and PSL ⩽5 mg/day. (a) and (b) show the relationships between the histological targets (AI ≤1, IR, ER) in Biopsy 2 at two years and their ability to predict the ideal 5-year goals, “A-5y” and “B-5y,” respectively.
AI, activity index; AUC, area under the curve; Cr, creatinine; EDD, electron-dense deposit; ER, electron microscopy remission; IR, immunofluorescence remission; LR, light microscopy remission; LR+, positive likelihood ratio; PSL, prednisolone; SLEDAI-R, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index Remission.