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. 2024 Jul 8;2(1):e000725. doi: 10.1136/bmjph-2023-000725

Table 3. Opioid overdose prevention and naloxone knowledge among study participants over time, by trial arm.

Rx-OOKS Rx-OOKS score* mean (95% CI) Difference(95% CI) Time×interventionP value
Intervention arm (n=519) Usual care arm (n=485)
Time 0 19.3 (18.9 to 19.8) 11.4 (11.0 to 11.8) 7.97 (7.41 to 8.54) <0.001
4 months 14.8 (14.4 to 15.1) 13.2 (12.8 to 13.6) 1.57 (1.04 to 2.10)
8 months 15.5 (15.1 to 15.8) 14.0 (13.6 to 14.3) 1.50 (0.95 to 2.05)

Range of the Rx-OOKS scale is 0–25. Higher Rx-OOKS score represents greater knowledge.

Rx-OOKSPrescription Opioid Overdose Knowledge Scale