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. 2024 Oct 15;14(1):2406834. doi: 10.1080/20008686.2024.2406834

Table 1.

Reported cases with transfusion transmitted hepatitis E virus infection.

Year Country Age/
Recipient (serology and PCR result)
Blood donor (serology and PCR result)
Primary Diagnosis Detection HEV after blood transfusion HEV IgM HEV IgG HEV RNA PCR Genotype identified Component transfused Outcome of the disease HEV IgM HEV IgG HEV RNA PCR Genotype identified Sequence region
2004 Japan [7] 67/M Open Heart Surgery 37 days + + + 4 FFP On day 130 of post-transfusion, the patient had no sign of Hepatitis - - + 4 ORF1
2004 Japan [16] 31/M Haemodialysis 21 days - - + 3 RBC Sub-clinical infection without any raise in ALT enzyme - - + 3 ORF2
2006 UK [17] 65/M B Cell Lymphoma 34 days - - + 3 RBC The patients remain asymptomatic with mild jaundice and anti-HEV IgG undetectable till day 132 of post-transfusion + + + 3 ORF2
2007 France [10] 7/M Rhabdoid Tumour in Kidney NA + NA + 3f RBC NA - - + 3f ORF2
2007 Japan [18] 21/M T-Cell Lymphoma NA - - + 3 RBC The patient died, and poor immune response NA NA + 3 Whole gene
2008 Japan [19] 64/M Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, ASCTP 22 days NA NA + 4 Platelet Spontaneous resolution + + + 4 ORF2
2012 France [20] 81/M Chronic Autoimmune thrombocytopenia Five months post blood transfusion (~164 days) + + + 3f Platelet The patient died - - + 3f ORF1 & ORF2
2013 France [21] 55/M Liver Transplant due to HCC (of HBV) 17 days - - + 3c RBC Resolved with Ribavirin therapy - - + 3c ORF1 & ORF2
2014 France [11] 36/M Chronic renal failure, renal transplant ~4 months + - + 3f FFP Chronic HEV infection, therefore, Ribavirin therapy was initiated NA NA + 3f ORF1
2014 France [11] 61/M Liver Transplant ~6 months - - + 3f FFP The patient remained viremic even after two months. Therefore, Ribavirin treatment was given NA NA + 3f ORF1
2014 Japan [22] 70/M Myelodysplastic syndrome 21 days - - + 3 RBC The patient died of a lung abscess - - + 3 ORF2
2014 Germany [23] 47/M Immunocompromised, Chronic HEV 20 days + + + 3f Platelet Chronic HEV infection - - + 3f ORF1
2015 Japan [24] 70s/M Myocardial Infarction 10 days + + + 3 Platelet Spontaneous resolution, HEV RNA undetectable at day 115 of post transfusion NA NA + 3 ORF2
2016 France [25] 48/F Kidney Transplant 14 months - + + 3f FFP Chronic Hepatitis E virus infection NA NA + 3f ORF1
2016 Japan [26] 41/M Living donor liver transplant 3 days + + + 3b Platelet Chronic HEV infection, HEV RNA becomes negative on day 417 of POD NA NA + 3b ORF1 & ORF2
2016 Japan [27] 37/F Burkitt’s Lymphoma NA - - + 3 Platelet Chronic HEV infection, no viral RNA clearance even after eight months of ribavirin therapy NA NA + 3 ORF1 & ORF2
2016 Germany [28] 33/M Stem cell transplant NA NA NA + 3 RBC Chronic HEV infection, there is a relapse of HEV after ribavirin treatment was stopped NA +NA + 3 NA
2016 Germany [28] 71/M Heart Transplant 54 days NA NA + 3 Plasma ALT normalized within three months; however, no antiviral treatment could be the reason that fluctuates the viral load without HEV RNA clearance NA NA + 3 NA
2016 Germany [28] 61/F Acute Myeloid Leukaemia 49 days NA + NA 3 Platelet NA NA NA + 3 NA
2017 Spain [29] 61/M Axillofemoral bypass surgery >1 month of transfusion + NA + 3f RBC Spontaneous resolution after one month of diagnosis - - + 3f ORF2
2017 France [13] M Splenectomy due to splenic injury 35 days - - + 3f Platelet After two months of ribavirin treatment, the viral load decreased but continued till day 135 of post-trauma NA NA + 3f ORF2
2017 France [30] 56/M Heart Transplant 68 days + + + 3 RBC The patient died of multi-organ failure on day 153 of POD - - + 3 ORF2
2017 Australia [31] 6/M Liver Transplant More than two months after transfusion NA NA + 3 FFP Resolved after three months of ribavirin therapy NA NA + 3 ORF2
2017 France [32] 34/F Liver transplant ~4 months - - + 3 RBC NA - - + 3 ORF2
2017 France [32] 42/F Liver transplant ~4 months - - + 3f ATP NA - - + 3f ORF2
2018 Greece [33] 50/M Thalassaemia 2 months + NA + 3 RBC Self-limiting, recovered within a month, all biochemical test normalized + NA + 3 ORF2
2018 Spain [34] 48/M Thrombocytopenic Purpura 2 months + + + 3f Cryo# After 12 weeks of ribavirin treatment, the ALT, and platelet become normal, and HEV RNA is undetectable + - + 3f ORF2
2019 Japan [35] 64/F Acute Myeloid Leukaemia* 112 days - - + 3b Platelet Progress to Chronic infections, HEV RNA and IgM undetectable at day 321 post transfusion NA NA + 3b ORF2
2020 France [36] 50-59/M Thrombotic Microangiopathy 45 days + + + 3f Plasma NA NA NA + 3f ORF1 & ORF2
2020 France [36] 50-59/M Liver Transplant 3 months post-transplant + - + 3f Plasma Chronic infection successfully treated with Ribavirin therapy NA NA + 3f ORF1 & ORF2
  France [37] 57/M Thyrotoxicosis and drug-induced thrombotic microangiopathy Within two months after transfusion NA NA + 3f SD-plasma No therapy, spontaneous resolution NA NA + 3f ORF1 & ORF2
  France [37] 55/M Kidney transplant Within two months after transfusion NA NA + 3f SD-plasma Chronic Infection, ribavirin treatment resolved the infection after three months NA NA + 3f ORF-2
  France [37] 58/M Liver Cirrhosis and Transplantation Within three months after transfusion NA NA + 3f SD-plasma Chronic infection, resolved after six months of ribavirin treatment NA NA + 3f ORF-1
  France [37] 42/F Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Within a month after transfusion NA NA + 3f WBPC Chronic infection, resolved after seven months of ribavirin treatment NA NA + 3f ORF-2
  France [37] 67/F Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Within three months after transfusion NA NA + 3f RBC Chronic infection, resolved after a month and a half treatment with ribavirin NA NA + 3f ORF-2
  France [37] 64/M Allogenic Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation After six months of transfusion NA NA + 3f RBC Chronic infection, spontaneous resolution NA NA + 3f ORF-2
  France [37] 88/M Chronic Lymphoid Leukaemia Within a month after blood transfusion NA NA + 3c RBC Chronic infection, spontaneous resolution NA NA + 3f ORF-1
  France [37] 36/M Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome/Kidney Transplant Within six months after transfusion NA NA + 3f SD-plasma Chronic infection, resolved after five months of ribavirin therapy NA NA + 3f ORF-2
  France [37] 44/F Chronic renal failure/Kidney Transplant After six months of transfusion NA NA + 3f RBC Chronic infection, treatment associated resolution of three-month ribavirin therapy NA NA + 3f ORF-1
  France [37] 50/M Hodgkin Lymphoma/allogenic HSC transplantation After six months of transfusion NA NA + 3c APC Chronic infection, spontaneous resolution at allogenic HSC transplantation, i.e. in the context of reduced immunosuppression NA NA + 3c ORF-1 & ORF-2
  France [37] 55/F Hodgkin Lymphoma/allogenic HSC transplantation Within a month after transfusion NA NA + 4d APC Chronic infection, spontaneous resolution at allogenic HSC transplantation, i.e. in the context of reduced immunosuppression NA NA + 4d ORF-1
  France [37] 46/F Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Within three months of transfusion NA NA + 3a WBPC Spontaneous resolution NA NA + 3a ORF-2
  France [37] 60/M Acute Myeloid Leukaemia/allogenic HSC transplantation Within a month after transfusion NA NA + 3f WBPC Treatment-associated resolution after three months of ribavirin therapy NA NA + 3f ORF-2
  France [37] 18/M Acute Lymphoid Leukaemia Within a month after transfusion NA NA + 3c WBPC Ribavirin treatment associated resolution NA NA + 3c ORF-2
  France [37] 47/M Bilateral Lung Infection Within three months after transfusion NA NA + 3f APC Spontaneous resolution NA NA + 3f ORF-2

#cryosupernatant plasma, FFP; Fresh frozen Plasma, SD-plasma; Solvent or detergent treated plasma, RBC; Red blood concentrate, WBPC; Whole blood pooled platelet concentrate, APC; Apheresis platelet concentrate, ASCTP; autologous peripheral stem cell transplant, ALT; Alanine transaminase, NA; Not available, POD; post operative day.