Effects of the codissolved
CFN (triangles), TPH (diamonds), TBR
(squares), and XAT (crosses) in the IBP or DCF equimolar mixtures
in the IBP (a) and DCF (b) dissolutions. Dissolution curves were fitted
using the Noyes–Whitney equation with the dissolution rate
constant term kS, in which the solid surface area
parameter S was assumed to be invariable in dissolution
to the equilibrium. The codissolved CFN and TPH decreased and increased
the saturated concentrations of IBP and DCF, respectively. TBR and
XAT exhibited limited influence on their solubility. (c) Effects of
CFN and TPH codissolved proportions in the IBP mixtures on the IBP
dissolutions. The codissolved CFN and TPH at the equimolar and double
proportions attenuated the saturated concentrations of IBP; however,
those at the half equivalences were ineffective. An equivalent or
higher amount of CFN and TPH restricted the release of IBP from its
solid phase.