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. 2024 Oct 18;24:2872. doi: 10.1186/s12889-024-20140-5

Table 3.

Multi-attribute decision-making model for Neutral Mood State

Message # Theme Motivation to Quit Message Receptivity Perceived Relevance Overall Self-report ranking Skin Heart Rate Eye-Tracking Overall Psychophysiology Overall Overall Ranking
A10 Challenges of quitting 6.26 (2.84) 3.90 (0.75) 4.95 (1.86) 1 0.05802 0.39 14998.17 5 1
A15 Quality of life 5.78 (2.95) 3.68 (0.81) 4.51 (2.00) 10 0.056667 -0.84 14997.72 2 2
A8 Challenges of quitting 5.89 (2.96) 3.78 (0.82) 4.67 (1.98) 7 0.11745 1.25 14998.72 5 2
A11 Challenges of quitting 5.68 (2.81) 3.73 (0.77) 4.41 (1.91) 12 0.1532 -0.37 14996.65 1 4
A9 Challenges of quitting 6.02 (2.87) 3.83 (0.77) 4.87 (1.84) 5 0.091533 0.09 14995.55 9 5
A16 Quality of life 6.14 (2.90) 3.89 (0.78) 4.85 (1.95) 3 0.0411 -0.2 14,996 13 6
A6 Motivations to quit 5.51 (2.86) 3.69 (0.79) 4.49 (2.00) 13 0.047475 -0.88 14998.45 3 6
A18 Quality of life 5.62 (2.79) 3.64 (0.82) 4.42 (1.91) 14 0.0816 0.97 14996.74 8 8
A5 Motivations to quit 5.55 (2.95) 3.60 (0.82) 4.29 (2.00) 17 0.166267 -0.65 14994.75 7 9
A13 Quality of life 5.82 (2.91) 3.79 (0.83) 4.42 (1.98) 9 0.092125 6.14 14996.61 16 10
A14 Quality of life 5.78 (2.91) 3.76 (0.82) 4.65 (2.01) 8 0.018933 0.23 14996.65 17 10
A1 Motivations to quit 6.08 (3.03) 3.89 (0.79) 4.86 (2.00) 4 0.0331 2.72 15000.73 22 12
A20 Health 5.55 (2.86) 3.58 (0.85) 4.45 (1.95) 15 0.0704 1.54 14997.69 11 12
A7 Challenges of quitting 6.05 (2.94) 3.91 (0.83) 5.06 (1.92) 2 0.067 1.44 14995.24 25 14
A26 Financial 5.53 (2.97) 3.64 (0.87) 4.18 (2.15) 19 0.07122 1.13 14996.29 12 15
A24 Health 4.88 (2.88) 3.33 (0.84) 3.65 (1.99) 28 0.289575 0.97 14996.96 4 16
A2 Motivations to quit 5.93 (2.97) 3.88 (0.83) 4.8 (2.01) 6 0.0445 1.85 14995.34 29 17
A22 Health 5.29 (2.70) 3.49 (0.84) 4.26 (1.92) 20 0.02325 -0.07 14996.19 17 18
A3 Motivations to quit 5.45 (2.95) 3.66 (0.82) 4.42 (2.00) 16 0.088575 0.97 14994.29 21 18
A21 Health 5 (2.84) 3.42 (0.81) 3.81 (2.00) 25 0.0535 0.77 14996.06 14 20
A4 Motivations to quit 4.77 (2.83) 3.38 (0.80) 3.5 (1.93) 29 0.03905 0.96 15001.36 10 20
A17 Quality of life 5.44 (2.99) 3.68 (0.81) 4.3 (2.01) 18 0.048675 0.91 14995.47 22 22
A28 Financial 5.07 (2.74) 3.43 (0.77) 3.87 (2.02) 23 0.04024 0.48 14996.19 17 22
A29 Financial 5.54 (2.79) 3.78 (0.83) 4.56 (2.00) 11 0.0398 1.43 14994.86 30 24
A19 Health 4.83 (2.87) 3.27 (0.78) 3.89 (1.91) 27 0.0523 -0.14 14995.23 15 25
A23 Health 5.03 (2.74) 3.42 (0.79) 3.88 (1.90) 24 0.119533 1.15 14994.64 20 26
A25 Financial 5.17 (2.85) 3.56 (0.88) 4.04 (2.07) 21 0.0221 0.28 14995.9 24 27
A27 Financial 5.08 (2.90) 3.51 (0.85) 3.92 (2.00) 22 0.03416 3.06 14997.13 26 28
A30 Financial 4.97 (2.79) 3.42 (0.79) 3.73 (1.91) 26 0.022083 1.64 14996.74 28 29
A12 Challenges of quitting 4.67 (2.97) 3.11 (0.95) 3.17 (2.06) 30 0.0498 6.69 14996.53 27 30

Note. Overall ranking for self-report was calculated by adding the means of motivation to quit, message receptivity, and perceived relevance. Then, scores were ranked with higher scores ranking better. Overall psychophysiological ranking was calculated by taking the rank score for each measure (heart rate, skin conductance, overall eye-tracking) within its measure category and summing it with each of the other psychophysiological rankings. Overall ranking was computed by taking the mean of the overall self-report ranking and psychophysiological ranking. Then, based on the mean, each message was assigned an overall ranking. Self-report means are shown for each message and standard deviations are in parentheses