Summary of the nine different approaches (and associated
features and stated achievements) used for controlling the spatial
localization on nanoemitters/absorbers in hybrid plasmonic nanosystems.
Examples of the corresponding references are given. In order to complete
the review, references(123−136), not cited in the manuscript, have been added.
The highest values reported for fluorescence intensity enhancement,
Purcell factor, and Rabi splitting energy are highlighted with underline. Acronyms used: AFM: Atomic Force Miscroscopy; Alq3: tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum; Enhanc.:
enhancement; FIB: Focused Ion Beam; Fluo.: Fluorescence intensity;
EBL: ebeam lithography; Enhanc.: enhancement. MB: methylene blue;
MOCVD: Metal–Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition; Molec.: Molecule;
Nanostr: nanostructure; Nanopart.: nanoparticle; NC: nano cube; NCo:
nano cone; ND: nano disk; NH: nano hole; NR: nanorod; NPL nanoplatelets;
NT: nano triangle; NTR: nothing to report; OL: optical lithography;
PF: Purcell Factor; polymeriz.: polymerization; QD: quantum dot; RSE:
Rabi splitting energy; SphNP: spherical nanoparticle, SPM:
scanning probe microscopy; TAMRA: Carboxytetramethylrhodamine; TPDDI: