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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Oct 18.
Published in final edited form as: Psychiatry Res. 2024 Jul 27;339:116097. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2024.116097

Table 2. Identified topics.

This table presents the five identified topics. The relationship between associated case and control topics is measured by Rank Biased Overlap (RBO; Amigó et al., 2018) coefficients at baseline using Kendall Tau to derive confidence intervals (CI). The top 20 most frequent words within each topic are listed in order of descending prominence. Topic names were selected based on clinical team, including a psychiatrist, psychologist, and social worker, topic review and ranking. Bold words are indicative of being present in both case and control topics. Abbreviations are noted beneath the table.

Medication Intervention Treatment goals Suicide Treatment focus
RBO: 0.88
95 % CI [0.85–0.90]
RBO: 0.75
95 % CI [0.70–0.79]
RBO: 0.63
95 % CI [0.56–0.69]
95 % CI [0.41–0.58]
RBO: 0.09
95 % CI [0.0–0.19]
Case Control Case Control Case Control Case Control Case Control
take MG a active active group group risk history medication plan
mouth active MG MG a plan session suicide risk disorder time
MG a mouth tab PRN c time treatment health thought denies treatment
active medication PRN c tab treatment recovery treatment suicide mood contact
medication day tab MG a medication session how plan report thought writer
day tablet last tab MG a goal goal history disorder history appointment
tablet tab QH d pain discussed member day treatment pain need
tab MGa tab Daily disorder veteran was plan factor past plan care
one one QHSe denies writer time time alcohol report program
MGa tab tablet mouth medication continue disorder discussed past plan treatment provider
take one every PRNc for mood recovery skill mental denies anxiety health
tablet mouth one tablet QHd PRNc plan today comment current time sleep report
tab take tab one refill daily stated discussion assessment current alcohol discharge
every needed sig take neg how disorder care problem symptom call
one tablet HCL b MGa QHSe QH d diagnosis date been assessment time veteran was
bedtime bedtime BID f BID f program resolved service medication been service
needed time day thought support day family year discussed date
HCL b HCLb MGa expire treatment thought support contact day good housing
time last pain blood therapy problem mental health symptom normal stated
mouth active mouth every continue urine reported program problem month MG1 mental

MG: Milligram.


HCL: Hydrochloric acid (frequently a suffix in generic medication names).


PRN: pro re nata; “as needed.”


QH: quaque hora; “every hour.


QHS: quaque hora somni; “at bedtime.”


BID: bis in die; “twice a day.”