Table 2. Identified topics.
This table presents the five identified topics. The relationship between associated case and control topics is measured by Rank Biased Overlap (RBO; Amigó et al., 2018) coefficients at baseline using Kendall Tau to derive confidence intervals (CI). The top 20 most frequent words within each topic are listed in order of descending prominence. Topic names were selected based on clinical team, including a psychiatrist, psychologist, and social worker, topic review and ranking. Bold words are indicative of being present in both case and control topics. Abbreviations are noted beneath the table.
Medication | Intervention | Treatment goals | Suicide | Treatment focus | |||||
RBO: 0.88 95 % CI [0.85–0.90] |
RBO: 0.75 95 % CI [0.70–0.79] |
RBO: 0.63 95 % CI [0.56–0.69] |
RBO:0.5 95 % CI [0.41–0.58] |
RBO: 0.09 95 % CI [0.0–0.19] |
Case | Control | Case | Control | Case | Control | Case | Control | Case | Control |
take | MG a | active | active | group | group | risk | history | medication | plan |
mouth | active | MG | MG a | plan | session | suicide | risk | disorder | time |
MG a | mouth | tab | PRN c | time | treatment | health | thought | denies | treatment |
active | medication | PRN c | tab | treatment | recovery | treatment | suicide | mood | contact |
medication | day | tab MG a | medication | session | how | plan | report | thought | writer |
day | tablet | last | tab MG a | goal | goal | history | disorder | history | appointment |
tablet | tab | QH d | pain | discussed | member | day | treatment | pain | need |
tab | MGa tab | Daily | disorder | veteran was | plan | factor | past | plan | care |
one | one | QHSe | denies | writer | time | time | alcohol | report | program |
MGa tab | tablet mouth | medication | continue | disorder | discussed | past | plan | treatment | provider |
take one | every | PRNc for | mood | recovery | skill | mental | denies | anxiety | health |
tablet mouth | one tablet | QHd PRNc | plan | today | comment | current | time | sleep | report |
tab take | tab one | refill | daily | stated | discussion | assessment | current | alcohol | discharge |
every | needed | sig take | neg | how | disorder | care | problem | symptom | call |
one tablet | HCL b | MGa QHSe | QH d | diagnosis | date | been | assessment | time | veteran was |
bedtime | bedtime | BID f | BID f | program | resolved | service | medication | been | service |
needed | time | day | thought | support | day | family | year | discussed | date |
HCL b | HCLb MGa | expire | treatment | thought | support | contact | day | good | housing |
time | last | pain | blood | therapy | problem | mental health | symptom | normal | stated |
mouth active | mouth every | continue | urine | reported | program | problem | month | MG1 | mental |
MG: Milligram.
HCL: Hydrochloric acid (frequently a suffix in generic medication names).
PRN: pro re nata; “as needed.”
QH: quaque hora; “every hour.
QHS: quaque hora somni; “at bedtime.”
BID: bis in die; “twice a day.”