Figure 2.
HLA-I retention by allogeneic T cells broadly inhibits NK cell reactivity
(A) Schematic of allogeneic HLA-I-deficient (B2MKO) T cells expressing an HLA-I single-chain (HLASC) molecule that inhibits NK cells by engaging a cognate HLA-specific inhibitory receptor. (B) Bubble plot indicates frequency of CD56+ NK cells expressing the indicated HLA-specific inhibitory receptor from 14 independent human donors. (C and D) NK cells were stimulated with allogeneic HLA-I+ T cells, B2MKO T cells, or B2MKO T cells engineered to express one HLASC: HLA-Bw4SC (HLA-B∗57), HLA-C1SC (HLA-C∗01:02 or C∗07:02), HLA-C2SC (HLA-C∗04:01, C∗05:01, C∗06:02, or C∗18:01), or HLA-ESC (HLA-E∗01:03). (C) Summarized data indicate frequency of NK cell subsets expressing the indicated HLA-specific inhibitory receptor that were CD107a+ after stimulation with allogeneic HLA-I+ T cells, B2MKO T cells, or B2MKO T cells expressing the HLASC inhibitory ligand for the corresponding NK cell subset (i.e., KIR3DL1-HLA-Bw4SC, KIR2DL2/L3-HLA-C1SC, KIR2DL1-HLA-C2SC, NKG2A-HLA-ESC). Horizontal dashed line indicates average frequency of CD107a+ NK cells after stimulation with allogeneic HLA-I+ T cells. (D) Frequency of total CD107a+ NK cells after stimulation with the indicated target T cell population. Vertical dashed line indicates average frequency of CD107a+ NK cells in the absence of stimulation. (E) NK cell cytotoxicity assay as described in materials and methods. Percentage specific lysis of allogeneic HLA-I+ T cells, B2MKO T cells, or B2MKO T cells engineered to express the indicated HLASC molecule 48 h post-culture at different E/T ratios. (C–E) Symbols represent aggregated data from three to five independent NK cell donors in duplicate. Bars indicate mean and error bars show ±SEM. Statistical significance was calculated by Wilcoxon matched pairs signed rank test (C) and Kruskall-Wallace test with Dunn’s test for multiple comparisons (D and E).