Model summary
Populations |
34 areas (Table 1) with a total of 254 populations. The model consists of about 3.5 million neurons and 43 billion synapses. |
Geometry |
— |
Connectivity |
area- and population-specific but otherwise random |
Neuron model |
LIF, fixed absolute refractory period (voltage clamp) |
Synapse model |
exponential postsynaptic currents |
Plasticity |
— |
Input |
independent homogeneous Poisson spike trains |
Measurements |
spiking activity |
Type |
Cortex |
Elements |
LIF neurons |
Number of populations |
34 areas with 8 populations each (areas caudalanteriorcingulate, caudalmiddlefrontal, entorhinal, lateraloccipital, parsorbitalis, precentral, rostralanteriorcingulate have 6, and the parahippocampal area has 4), 2 per layer |
Population size |
(area- and population-specific) |
Type |
source and target neurons drawn randomly with replacement (allowing autapses and multapses) with area- and population-specific connection probabilities. The total number of synapses between populations is fixed, corresponding to the “Random, fixed total number” rule described by Senk et al. (2022). |
Weights |
fixed, drawn from normal distribution with mean such that postsynaptic potentials have a mean amplitude of and standard deviation ; 4E to 2/3E increased by factor (cf. Potjans and Diesmann 2014); weights of inhibitory connections increased by factor ; excitatory weights and inhibitory weights are redrawn; inter-areal weights onto inhibitory populations increased by factor and onto excitatory and inhibitory populations increased by factor
Delays |
fixed, drawn from truncated lognormal distribution with mean and standard deviation ; delays of inhibitory connections factor smaller; delays rounded to the nearest multiple of the simulation step size , inter-area delays drawn from a truncated lognormal distribution with mean , with distance and average transmission speed (Girard et al. 2001); and standard deviation , distances determined as the median of the distances between all vertex pairs of the 2 areas in the DTI data (Goulas et al. 2016), delays before rounding are redrawn |
Neuron and synapse model
Name |
LIF neuron |
Type |
LIF, exponential synaptic current inputs |
Subthreshold dynamics |
, else, , : neuron index, : spike index, : Heaviside step function |
Spiking |
If 1. set , 2. emit spike with time stamp
Type |
Background |
Target |
LIF neurons |
Description |
Independent homogeneous Poisson spike trains to all neurons in the network; rate fixed such that the mean input, measured relative to rheobase, is
Spiking activity |