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. 2024 Oct 18;34(10):bhae409. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhae409

Table 2.

Model description after Nordlie et al. (2009).

Model summary
Populations 34 areas (Table 1) with a total of 254 populations. The model consists of about 3.5 million neurons and 43 billion synapses.
Connectivity area- and population-specific but otherwise random
Neuron model LIF, fixed absolute refractory period (voltage clamp)
Synapse model exponential postsynaptic currents
Input independent homogeneous Poisson spike trains
Measurements spiking activity
Type Cortex
Elements LIF neurons
Number of populations 34 areas with 8 populations each (areas caudalanteriorcingulate, caudalmiddlefrontal, entorhinal, lateraloccipital, parsorbitalis, precentral, rostralanteriorcingulate have 6, and the parahippocampal area has 4), 2 per layer
Population size Inline graphic (area- and population-specific)
Type source and target neurons drawn randomly with replacement (allowing autapses and multapses) with area- and population-specific connection probabilities. The total number of synapses between populations is fixed, corresponding to the “Random, fixed total number” rule described by Senk et al. (2022).
Weights fixed, drawn from normal distribution with mean Inline graphic such that postsynaptic potentials have a mean amplitude of Inline graphic and standard deviation Inline graphic; 4E to 2/3E increased by factor Inline graphic (cf. Potjans and Diesmann 2014); weights of inhibitory connections increased by factor Inline graphic; excitatory weights Inline graphic and inhibitory weights Inline graphic are redrawn; inter-areal weights onto inhibitory populations increased by factor Inline graphic and onto excitatory and inhibitory populations increased by factor Inline graphic
Delays fixed, drawn from truncated lognormal distribution with mean Inline graphic and standard deviation Inline graphic; delays of inhibitory connections factor Inline graphic smaller; delays rounded to the nearest multiple of the simulation step size Inline graphic, inter-area delays drawn from a truncated lognormal distribution with mean Inline graphic, with distance Inline graphic and average transmission speed Inline graphic (Girard et al. 2001); and standard deviation Inline graphic, distances determined as the median of the distances between all vertex pairs of the 2 areas in the DTI data (Goulas et al. 2016), delays Inline graphic before rounding are redrawn
Neuron and synapse model
Name LIF neuron
Type LIF, exponential synaptic current inputs
Subthreshold dynamics Inline graphic  Inline graphic  Inline graphic, Inline graphic  Inline graphic else, Inline graphic, Inline graphic: neuron index, Inline graphic: spike index, Inline graphic: Heaviside step function
Spiking If Inline graphic 1. set Inline graphic, 2. emit spike with time stamp Inline graphic
Type Background
Target LIF neurons
Description Independent homogeneous Poisson spike trains to all neurons in the network; rate fixed such that the mean input, measured relative to rheobase, is Inline graphic
Spiking activity