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. 2024 Oct 21;24:567. doi: 10.1186/s12905-024-03406-3

Table 1.

Analysis of clinical and demographic data of the cases

Benign Malignant p-value
Mean ± SD (median) Mean ± SD (median)
Age (year) 45.14 ± 9.0 48.92 ± 13.63 10.338
BMI (kg/m2) 29.08 ± 6.03 29.45 ± 4.82 10.855
Gravida 2.86 ± 2.27 (2.5) 1.92 ± 1.51 (2) 20.292
Parity 2.27 ± 1.83 (2) 1.08 ± 0.90 (1) 20.068
n; % n; %
Abortion 0 13; 59.1% 5; 41.7% 30.622
1 5; 22.7% 4; 33.3%
 ≥ 2 4; 18.2% 3; 25%
Education Primary school 10; 45.5% 2; 16.7%
High school 10; 45.5% 6; 50% 30.108
University 2; 9.1% 4; 33.3%
Smoke No 16; 72.7% 10; 83.3% 40.681
Yes 6; 27.3% 2; 16.7%



Not 17; 77.3% 7; 58.3% 40.271
Yes 5; 22.7% 5; 41.7%
Co-morbidity No 11; 50% 2; 16.7% 40.075
Yes 11; 50% 10; 83.3%
Complain Pain 3; 19.6% 0; 0% 30.304
A. uterine Bleeding 3; 13.6% 5; 41.7%
Infertility 11; 50% 2; 16.7%
Asemptomatic 2; 9.1% 0; 0%
Postmenopausal V. Bleeding 2; 9.1% 5; 41.7%

1Student t test

2Mann-Whitney U test

3Ki-Kare test

4Exact test