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. 2011 Nov 9;2011(11):CD004963. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004963.pub3

Lord 2003.

Methods Type of study: cluster RCT (20 clusters; 7 self care and 3 intermediate care exercise clusters and 7 self care and 3 intermediate care control clusters).
Participants Number of participants randomised: 551 factorial design
Losses: 21 from intervention group 22 from control
N = 551 
 Age: range 62‐95 mean (sd) 79.5 (6.4) years 
 Sex: 77 men, 474 women
Health Status defined by authors: mixed healthy and frail
Residential Status: Retirement Village 
 Setting: Australia 
 Inclusion: living in retirement village, 
 Exclusion: mini mental score < 20, mental condition involving neuromuscular, skeletal, or cardiovascular system, in hospital or not present at the time of recruitment, already attending exercise class of equivalent intensity
Interventions EXERCISE GROUP (MULTIPLE): (N = 280) warm‐up period, conditioning period including aerobic exercises, specific strengthening exercises, and activities for balance, hand‐eye and foot‐eye coordination, and flexibility. 
 CONTROL GROUP 1: (N = 290) Took part in a flexibility and relaxation program. 
 CONTROL GROUP 2: (N = 181) No input assumed usual activity 
 Duration and intensity: exercise group and control group 1: sessions 1 hour twice a week for 12 months. 
 Supervisor: exercise group: trained instructor, control group 1 ‐ yoga instructor. 
 Supervision: group 
 Setting: community
Outcomes Postural sway on floor and foam eyes open and eyes closed (mm) (Lord sway meter) 
 Co‐ordinated stability test (errors). 
 Maximum balance range (cm)
Compliance/adherence: not reported
Adverse events: not reported
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Randomisation was stratified by accommodation status (self care or intermediate care) and cluster size. There were 20 clusters; 7 self care and 3 intermediate care exercise clusters and 7 self care and 3 intermediate care control clusters
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk Blinded person organising randomisation not involved in rest of trial
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk All addressed
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk All main outcome measures reported
Other bias High risk Failure to adjust for clustering
Blinding (participant) High risk Not possible
Blinding (assessor) High risk Not blinded
Were the treatment and control group comparable at entry? Low risk No differences reported on baseline characteristics with a potential to influence the effect of the intervention
Was the surveillance active, and of clinically appropriate duration (i.e. at least 3 months post intervention)? High risk Only immediately post intervention data, no follow‐up data reported