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. 2024 Oct 8;12:1490591. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1490591

Table 2.

Food (in)security and poverty reports indices and indicators referring to food poverty dimensions.

Dimension Indicators Description Food (in)security indices* Poverty reports indices and indicators**
Material food poverty
Economic Food affordability Food price levels, stability, and shocks, local cost of food required to meet a common energy intake FAI; GFI; GFSI; UK-FSR CPI
Household-income Lack of monetary resources to purchase food; share of income spent on food CARI; FEI; FIES MD; MSD
Unconventional food income source strategies Coping strategies to get money for food CSI; FSS; LCS-FS
Physical National availability of food Food supply, supply disruption, domestic production (export), food import dependence, food loss/waste; available food diversity/quality Food-EPI; FSI; GFSI; HEI; MLDS
Food environment Proximity to grocery stores; access to a reliable food/water source FEI; GFSI; UK-FSR MDI; MPI
Food distribution Quality of the road infrastructure FSI
Physiological Malnourishment Prevalence of undernourishment (stunting, wasting), overnutrition FSI; GHI; GFI BMI; MPI
Diet quality Healthy and nutritious food, dietary diversity, adequacy of micronutrient intake, consumption levels DQI-I; FIES; Food-EPI; FSI; GFI; GFSI; HDDS; HEI; HFIAS
Food quantity Consumption of different food groups, situations of hunger CARI; FCS; HHS
Diet-related health outcomes Diabetes, obesity, disability-adjusted-life-years, mortality rates FSI; GFI; GHI MPI; SPI
Hygienic Food safety Access to safe food and drinking water GFI; GFSI MPI; MPM; SPI
Social food poverty
Social Social integration Getting together, eating out MSD
Communal networks Coping behaviors (e.g., sending children to eat with neighbors); unconventional food sources (e.g., borrowing food from neighbors) CARI; CSI; LCS-FS
Social food access barriers Gender inequality in household food access, free institutional meals CSI; FSS; GFSI; UK-FSR
Cultural Food customs and practices Deviant food patterns, dietary change CARI; CSI; FSS; HFIAS; HHS FRS; MD; MSD
Mental Worries about food Uncertainty or concerns about insufficient food procurement FIES, HFIAS; LCS-FS FRS
Bizarre coping strategies Illegal income activities (theft, prostitution) due to lack of food, begging or scavenging for food LCS-FS

*CARI, consolidated approach for reporting indicators of food security; CSI, coping strategy index; DQI-I, diet quality index-international; FAI, food affordability index; FCS, food consumption score; FEI, food environment index; FIES, food insecurity experience scale; Food-EPI, food environment policy index; FSI, food sustainability index; FSS, food security supplement; GFI, global food index; GFSI, global food security index; GHI, global hunger index; HDDS, household dietary diversity scale; HEI, healthy eating index; HFIAS, household food insecurity access scale; HHS, household hunger scale; LCS-FS, livelihood coping strategies-food security; MLDS, market-level food diversity score; UK-FSR, UK-food security report indicators.

**BMI, body mass index; CPI, consumer price index; FRS, UK family resource survey indicators; MD, material deprivation indicators; MDI, multidimensional deprivation index; MPI, multidimensional poverty index; MPM, multidimensional poverty measure indicators; MSD, material and social deprivation indicators; SPI, social progress index.