Fig. 6.
Colorado potato beetle (CPB) response to plant and nematode treatments. (A) CPB preference for susceptible plants with and without root-knot nematodes (RKN). Numbers above bars indicate number of CPB larvae found on plants of that treatment after 24 h in choice assays. (B) CPB preference for resistant plants with and without RKN. Numbers above bars indicate number of beetle larvae found on plants of that treatment after 24 h in choice assays. (C) CPB mass change after one week of feeding on susceptible and resistant plants with and without RKN presence. A single larva (5–6 days old) was bagged on a plant and allowed to feed for 5 days (susceptible – nematodes: N = 19; susceptible + nematodes: N = 21; resistant – nematodes: N = 24; resistant + nematodes: N = 22). Letters indicate p < 0.05 in pairwise comparisons