Table 8.
Primary Sources of AMD Information (n = 303)
Source | n (%) |
My ophthalmologist | 222 (73.3) |
FBC website | 127 (41.9) |
My optometrist | 115 (38.0) |
My family physician | 63 (20.8) |
Family/friends | 51 (16.8) |
CNIB website | 60 (19.8) |
Other | 33 (10.9)a |
Note: participants could select more than one response. aOther sources of information: Google, Macular Society, Mayo Clinic, CCB, Berkley clinic newsletter, retinal specialist, I-Deal program at senior center, FBC conference, television, Dr. Randall Wong’s blog.
Abbreviations: AMD, age-related macular degeneration; CCB, Canadian Council of the Blind; CNIB, Canadian National Institute for the Blind; FBC, Fighting Blindness Canada.