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. 2024 Jun 11;46(6):6583–6623. doi: 10.1007/s11357-024-01231-y

Table 2.

PBM1 application on human sample

Authors Age (Gender, model) Total sample size / groups (n) Neuropsychological assessment Neuropsychological results Brain results PBM parameters (Wavelength nm / Wavelength type (frequency)/ intensity/irradiance) Target Duration
Arakelyan (2005) Mean: 73.1 years (37% men, AD 2) N = 145/ AD control (n = 15); AD PBM (n = 25); AD MFT3 (n = 25); AD LCT4 (n = 17); AD LMLCT5 (n = 25); AD Pharmacotherapy (n = 38) Cognitive function (ADAS-cog6) PBM improved cognition in AD - 633 nm/NR7/ NR /4 mW Intravenous application 6 days over 18 months
Bullock et al. (2021) Mean: 67.7 years (60% men, PD8) N = 20/ PD PBM protocol 1 (n = 10); PD PBM protocol 2 (n = 10) Cognitive function (MoCA9) PBM did not affect general cognition in PD - 904 nm/ Pulsed (50 Hz)/ 42 J/ 60 mW/diode Transcranial application with 4 irradiation points (lateral cranial point, midline cranial point, parietal region point, and intranasal)

Protocol 1:

1 month placebo (3 times per week) + 1 month washout + 1 month PBM/placebo (2 and 1 times per week, respectively)

Protocol 2:

1 month PBM (3 times per week) + 1 month washout + 1 month PBM/placebo (1 and 2 times per week, respectively)

Chan et al. (2019) Range: > 60 years (10% men, healthy) N = 30/ Aged control (n = 15); Aged PBM (n = 15)

Global cognitive function


Verbal learning (HKLLT11)

Depressive symptoms (CGDS12)

Anxiety symptoms (BAI13)

PBM leads to a positive effect on cognitive inhibition and lexical/semantic access in healthy aging

PBM leads to a faster reaction time and better fluency (generating total words) in healthy aging

PBM did not result in depressive and anxiety symptoms amelioration

- 633 nm and 870 nm/ Continuos / NR/ 999 mW Transcranial application with 3 irradiation points (right and left frontopolar regions [FP114, FP215, and Pz16]) One day
Chan et al. (2021)

Mean: 66.3 years (50% men,


N = 18/ MCI control (n = 9); MCI PBM (n = 9)

Visual memory

(Computerized Corsi block test)

PBM leads to improvements in visual memory in MCI PBM reduced frontal lobe HbO18 in easier and difficult levels of a visual memory task, in MCI 810 nm/ Continuous / 7 J/cm2/ 20 mW/cm2 Transcranial application with 9 irradiation points in the frontal lobe (placed to F719, AF720, Fp1, FpZ21, Fp2, AFZ22 and FZ23) One day
Chao (2019) Mean: 79.8 ± 5.8 years (37.5% men, AD or dementia) N = 8/ AD control (n = 4); AD PBM (n = 4)

Cognitive function

(ADAS-cog; NPI24)

PBM improved cognition and neuropsychiatric symptomatology in AD or dementia

PBM increased cerebral perfusion and connectivity between posterior cingulate cortex and lateral parietal nodes in AD or dementia, increased CBF25 in parietal cortex, and

did not alter the default-mode-network

810 nm/ Pulsed (40 Hz)/ 720 J/ 100 mW Transcranial application with 2 irradiation points (posterior and anterior) and intranasal application 36 non-consecutive days (3 times per week)
Fear et al. (2023) Mean: 68 years (40% men, healthy) N = 7 / Aged Pre and Post PBM - - PBM increased ATP26 synthase flux 670 nm/ NR/ NR/ NR Transcranial application with 1 irradiation point (occipital lobes) 4 consecutive days
Hu et al. (2023) Mean: 64.74 ± 5.73 years (16% men, healthy) N = 61/ Aged Pre and Post PBM

Working memory

(N-back task)

PBM (single and repeated) improved memory on day 1 and day 7, on healthy ageing. These results were maintained during the follow up at day 14, 21 and 28 PBM (single) decreased HbO activity during the memory task in the right hemisphere, and PBM (repeated) decreased HbO activity in both hemispheres 1064 nm/ NR/ 3.4 J/ 250 mW/cm2 Transcranial application with 1 irradiation point (left DLPFC27) 7 consecutive days
Lee & Chan. (2023) Range: 50–80 years (43% men, healthy) N = 30/ Aged Pre and Post PBM Visual memory (computerized visual span task) PBM did not improved visual memory PBM reduced HbO in a difficult level of visual memory task, but not in the easier level 810 nm/ Continuous/ 7 J/cm2/ 20 mW/cm2 Transcranial application with 9 irradiation points (F7, AF7, Fp1, Fpz, Fp2, AF8, F8, Fz and Cz) One day
Liebert et al. (2021) Range: 60–80 years (41% men, PD) N = 12/ PD PBM Protocol 1 (n = 6); PD PBM Protocol 2 (n = 6)

Cognitive function


PBM improved the cognitive function with both protocols -

Transcranial: 810 nm/ Pulsed (40 Hz) / 240 J/ 200 mW/cm2

Intranasal: NR/ NR/ 15 J/ NR

Transdermal and Transabdominal: 904/ Pulsed (50 Hz)/ 3.6 J/ 47 mW/cm2

Transcranial, intranasal, transdermal and transabdominal


Protocol 1: 144 non-consecutive days (3 times per week for 4 weeks + 2 times per week for 4 weeks + 1 time per week for 4 weeks + 3 per week for 40 weeks). Protocol 2: 99 non-consecutive days (3 times per week for 4 weeks + 2 times per week for 4 weeks + 1 time per week for 4 weeks + 3 per week for 24 weeks)

Intranasal: NR

Transdermal and transabdominal: Same protocol as transcranial

Nagy et al. (2021) Range: 65–75 years (50% men, AD) N = 60/ AD control (n = 30); AD PBM (n = 30)

Cognitive function


PBM improved the cognitive function in AD - 650 nm/ NR/ NR/ NR Intranasal application 36 non-consecutive days (3 times per week)
Papi et al. (2022) Mean: 64.13 ± 4.73 years (0% men, MCI) N = 42/ MCI control (n = 21); MCI PBM (n = 21)

Cognitive function



(Go/No-Go task)

PBM increased the cognitive function, and specifically attention - 850 nm/ NR/ 60 J/ 400 mW Transcranial application with 1 irradiation point (Fp2) One day
Qu et al. (2022) Mean: 65.6 ± 5.41 years (20% men, healthy) N = 86/ Aged control (n = 25); Aged PBM (n = 61)

Working memory

(N-back tasks)

PBM improved working memory in healthy ageing. There was a higher accuracy in two of the testing conditions and lower response time on the more difficult condition - 1064 nm/ Continuos / 120 J/ 250 mW/cm2 Transcranial application with 1 irradiation point (left DLPFC) 7 consecutive days
Razzaghi et al. (2024) Mean: 74.66 ± 14.4 in PBM groups, and 75.85 ± 7.19 years in control groups (77% men, AD and MCI) N = 13/ AD and MCI control (n = 7); AD and MCI PBM (n = 6)

Cognitive function


Anxiety symptoms


Depression symptoms


PBM improved the cognitive assessment in AD and MCI

Both groups significantly improved depression levels, but not anxiety levels

- 810 nm/ Pulsed (40 Hz)/ 300 J/ 150 mW/cm2 Transcranial application with 3 irradiation points (frontal, occipital and temporal lobe) 72 non-consecutive days (6 times per week)
Saucedo et al. (2021) Range: 56–85 (23% men healthy) N = 68/ Aged control (n = 33); Aged PBM (n = 35) - - PBM increased oxidized CCO31 in right and left prefrontal cortex in healthy ageing, decreased HbR in right prefrontal cortex, and did not modified prefrontal HbO 1064 nm/ Continuos / 120 J/cm2/ 250 mW/cm2 Transcranial application with 1 irradiation point (right anterior prefrontal cortex [P2]) One day

1. PBM = photobiomodulation. 2. AD = Alzheimer’s disease. 3. MFT = magnetic field therapy. 4. LCT = light chromotherapy. 5. LMLCT = combined PBM, MFT and LCT. 6. ADAS-cog = Alzheimer’s disease assessment Scale- Cognitive subscale. 7. NR = not reported. 8. PD = Parkinson’s disease. 9. MoCA = Montreal Cognitive assessment. 10. CDRS = clinical dementia rating scale. 11. HKLLT = Hong Kong list learning test. 12. CGDS = geriatric depression scale. 13. BAI = Beck anxiety inventory. 14. FP1 = left frontopolar region. 15. FP2 = right frontopolar region. 16. Pz = peripherial zone. 17. MCI = mild cognitive impairment. 18. HbO = oxygenated hemoglobin. 19. F7 = frontal region 7. 20. AF7 = mastoid frontal region 7. 21. Fpz = prefrontal zero region. 22. AFz = mastoid frontal zero region. 23. Fz = frontal zero region. 24. NPI = neuropsyvhiatric inventory. 25. CBF = cerebral blood Flow. 26. ATP = adenosine triphosphate. 27. DLPFC = dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. 28. MMSE = mini-mental state examination. 29. HAM-A = Hamilton anxiety rating scale. 30. HDRS = Hamilton depression rating scale. 31. CCO = cytochrome C oxidase. 31. HbR = deoxygenated hemoglobin