Fig. 5.
HAP-1 favors the formation of hexameric structures. Electron micrograph of 4 μM Cp149 dimer with 10 μM HAP-1, incubated for 24 h on ice in 150 mM NaCl. No 30-nm HBV capsids were observed. The box shows the approximate area that was analyzed by Fourier transform (Inset); note the sixfold symmetry of the peaks spaced at 45-49 Å. These data are representative of the power spectrum obtained from multiple micrographs showing sheet- or tube-like structures. Model studies suggest that these peaks correspond to the 1,1 peaks from a planar p6 lattice with unit cell dimensions ≈ 90 Å, equivalent to the length of one Cp149 dimer (see the supporting information). (Scale bar, 100 nm.)