Table 3.
Circuitry | Fractional time | Mean dwell time | Transition probability | dFC variability between the thalamus and cortex | LF in thalamus |
Thalamo-cortical | State 4↓ | ns |
State 2 to state 4↓; State 3 to state 4↓ |
ns | Bilateral anterior, ILM, pulvinar, and ventral nuclei↑ |
Thalamo-Vis | State 3↓ | State 3↓ |
State 1 to state 3↓; State 4 to state 3↓ |
ns | ns |
Thalamo-SomMot | State 2↓ | ns | ns | ns | ns |
Thalamo-Default | ns | ns | ns |
LH_Anterior-LH_Temp_4↑( *); RH_ILM-LH_Temp_4↑; LH_Ventral-LH_Temp_4↑; LH_Pulvinar-LH_Temp_4↑; LH_Pulvinar-RH_PFCdPFCm_4↑; LH_Anterior-RH_PFCdPFCm_5↑; RH_Anterior-RH_PFCdPFCm_5↑; LH_ILM-RH_PFCdPFCm_5↑; RH_ILM-RH_PFCdPFCm_5↑; LH_Ventral-RH_PFCdPFCm_5↑; RH_Ventral-RH_PFCdPFCm_5↑ |
ns |
Thalamo-DorsAttn | ns | ns | ns |
RH_Lateral-RH_FEF_2↑( *); LH_ILM-RH_FEF_2↑; LH_Ventral-RH_FEF_2↑; RH_Ventral-RH_FEF_2↑ |
Bilateral anterior, ILM, ventral nuclei, and left lateral and pulvinar nuclei↑ |
Thalamo-SalVentAttn | ns | ns | ns | RH_ILM-LH_FrOperIns_3↑ | Bilateral lateral, pulvinar, ventral nuclei, and right ILM↑ |
Thalamo-Cont | ns | ns | ns | ns | Bilateral anterior, ILM, lateral, pulvinar, and ventral nuclei↑ |
Thalamo-Limbic | ns | ns | ns | ns | ns |
LF: laterality fluctuation; LH: left hemisphere; RH: right hemisphere; Anterior: anterior thalamus; ILM: intralaminar/medial thalamus; Lateral: lateral thalamus; Pulvinar: pulvinar thalamus; Ventral: ventral thalamus; Vis: visual network; SomMot: somatomotor network; DorsAttn: dorsal attention network; SalVentAttn: salient ventral attention network; Limbic: limbic network; Cont: executive control network; Default: default mode network; Temp_4: the fourth region of the temporal cortex (middle temporal gyrus); PFCdPFCm_4: the fourth region of the dorsal/medial prefrontal cortex (medial superior frontal gyrus); PFCdPFCm_5: the fifth region of the dorsal/medial prefrontal cortex (superior frontal gyrus); FEF_2: the second region of the frontal eye fields (superior frontal gyrus); FrOperIns_3: the third region of the frontal operculum insula (insula); ns: non-significant. ↓indicates a significant decrease in MDD; ↑indicates a significant increase in MDD. * indicates a significant correlation with the HAMD score.