Subcortical regions with different MRI parameters. Matched coronal MR images from 2 of the 8 MAP-MRI parameters, T2-weighted (T2W), and MTR images show selected subcortical regions: thalamic subregions (MD, LD, VL, VP, LGN), basal ganglia subregions (SN, cd), and a prerubral region (prf) anterior to the red nucleus. These areas are also illustrated in the corresponding drawing from the PA/DEC-FOD image on the top left (white box/inset). For mapping and a detailed description of the thalamic and other subcortical regions and other MAP-MRI parameters, see the Results section in Saleem et al. (2023). This MRI slice is located at the level of the rostral temporal cortex and 4.65 mm caudal to the AC, as illustrated by a blue vertical line on the lateral view of the 3D rendered brain image from this case. Note that the contrast between these subcortical areas is distinct in different MRI parameters. Abbreviations: CC, corpus callosum; cd, caudate nucleus; LD, lateral dorsal nucleus; LGN, lateral geniculate nucleus; MD, medial dorsal thalamic nuclei; prf, prerubral field; SN, substantia nigra; subregions of VL, ventral lateral and VP, ventral posterior nuclei. Sulci: ls, lateral sulcus; sts, superior temporal sulcus.