Subcortical areas for the 3D atlas (SAM). (A–F) Examples showing the basal ganglia, thalamus, hypothalamus, basal forebrain, and brainstem that are identified and segmented on the MAP-MRI (DEC-FOD) with reference to matched histological sections stained with ChAT and SMI-32, and other stained sections (not shown here). Abbreviations: 3rd, third cranial (oculomotor) nuclei; 3v, 3rd ventricle; ac, anterior commissure; AM, anterior medial nucleus; apt, anterior pretectal nucleus; Arh, arcuate hypothalamic nucleus; AV, anterior ventral nucleus; bsc, brachium of superior colliculus; BST, bed nucleus of stria terminals; CC, corpus callosum; cd, caudate nucleus; cla, claustrum; csc, commissure of superior colliculus; DM, dorsomedial hypothalamic area; ec, external capsule; f, fornix; GPe, globus pallidus, external segment; GPi, globus pallidus, internal segment; hc, habenular commissure; Hl, lateral habenular nucleus; Hm, medial habenular nucleus; ica, internal capsule, anterior limb; icp, internal capsule, posterior limb; iml, internal medullary lamina; IPN, interpeduncular nucleus; LS, lateral septum; LT, lateral hypothalamic area; lv, lateral ventricle; mb, Muratoff bundle; MGd, medial geniculate nucleus, dorsal division; MGv, medial geniculate nucleus, ventral division; mlf, medial longitudinal fasciculus; MR, median raphe; MS, medial septum; MTT, mammillothalamic tract; NBM, nucleus basalis of Myenert; oc, optic chiasm; ot, optic tract; Pa, paraventricular nucleus; PAG, periaqueductal gray; PIc, inferior pulvinar, caudal division; PIm, inferior pulvinar, medial division; PIp, inferior pulvinar, posterior division; PL, lateral pulvinar; PM, medial pulvinar; POA, preoptic area; ptg, posterior thalamic group; pu, putamen; RNmc, red nucleus, magnocellular division; SCPX, superior cerebellar peduncle decussation; shn, septo-hippocampal nucleus; Sm, stria medullaris; TMN, tuberomammillary nucleus; VAmc, ventral anterior nucleus, magnocellular division; VLc, ventral lateral caudal nucleus; VLo, ventral lateral oral nucleus; VM, ventromedial hypothalamic area; VP, ventral pallidum. Scale bars: 5 mm applies to A–F.