Table 1.
Subcortical Atlas of the Marmoset (“SAM”)—Version 1.0
Atlas label # | Abbreviations | Basal ganglia subregions and associated fiber bundles and Claustrum | |
1 | pu | Putamen | Striatum |
2 | cd | Caudate nucleus | Striatum |
3 | NA | Nucleus accumbens | Ventral striatum |
210 | OT | Olfactory tubercle | Ventral striatum |
10 | VP | Ventral pallidum | Pallidum |
4 | GPe | Globus pallidus external segment | Pallidum |
5 | GPi | Globus pallidus internal segment | Pallidum |
9 | STN | Subthalamic nucleus | Nigral region |
6 | SNpr | Substantia nigra pars reticulata | Nigral region |
7 | SNpc | Substantia nigra pars compacta | Nigral region |
8 | SNpl | Substantia nigra pars lateralis | Nigral region |
70 | SNpm | Substantia nigra pars mixta | Nigral region |
215 | lf_al | Lenticular fasciculus and ansa lenticularis | Fiber bundle |
213 | H1 | H1 field of Forel | Fiber bundle |
212 | H2 | H2 field of Forel | Fiber bundle |
211 | mb | Muratoff bundle | Fiber bundle |
66 | ac | Anterior commissure | Fiber bundle |
474 | cla | Claustrum | other subcortical region |
Red nucleus | |||
526 | prf | Prerubral field | Brainstem/Midbrain |
41 | RNpc | Red nucleus, parvicellular division | Brainstem/Midbrain |
122 | RNmc | Red nucleus, magnocellular division | Brainstem/Midbrain |
Thalamic subregions and associated fiber bundles | |||
11 | AV | Anterior ventral nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_anterior group |
12 | AM | Anterior medial nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_anterior group |
128 | AD | Anterior dorsal nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_anterior group |
15 | LD | Lateral dorsal nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_anterior group |
13 | VApc | Ventral anterior nucleus, parvicellular division | Dorsal thalamus_lateral group |
14 | VAmc | Ventral anterior nucleus, magnocellular division | Dorsal thalamus_lateral group |
19 | VLc | Ventral lateral caudal nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_lateral group |
20 | VLo | Ventral lateral oral nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_lateral group |
21 | VPI | Ventral posterior inferior nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_lateral group |
22 | VPM | Ventral posterior medial nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_lateral group |
23 | VPMpc | Ventral posterior medial nucleus, parvicellular division | Dorsal thalamus_lateral group |
26 | LP | Lateral posterior nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_lateral group |
27 | VPLc | Ventral posterior lateral caudal nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_lateral group |
103 | VLps | Ventral lateral postrema nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_lateral group |
127 | pt | Parataenial nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_medial group |
38 | Pa | Paraventricular nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_medial group |
16 | MDmc | Mediodorsal nucleus, magnocellular division | Dorsal thalamus_medial group |
17 | MDpc | Mediodorsal nucleus, parvicellular division | Dorsal thalamus_medial group |
18 | MDmf | Mediodorsal nucleus, multiform division | Dorsal thalamus_medial group |
31 | MDdc | Mediodorsal nucleus, densocellular division | Dorsal thalamus_medial group |
228 | cif | Central inferior nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_medial group |
229 | cdc | Central dorsocellular nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_medial group |
131 | Re | Reunions nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_medial group |
106 | cim | Central intermediate nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_medial group |
24 | cnMD | Centromedian nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_intralaminar group |
25 | Pf | Parafascicular nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_intralaminar group |
104 | csl | Central superior lateral nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_intralaminar group |
105 | cl | Central lateral nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_intralaminar group |
129 | pcn | Paracentral nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_intralaminar group |
130 | clc | Central latocellular nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_intralaminar group |
28 | PM | Medial pulvinar | Dorsal thalamus_posterior group |
29 | PL | Lateral pulvinar | Dorsal thalamus_posterior group |
523 | PIc | Inferior pulvinar, central nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_posterior group |
524 | PIm | Inferior pulvinar, medial nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_posterior group |
525 | PIp | Inferior pulvinar, posterior nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_posterior group |
132 | Pulo | Pulvinar oralis nucleus | Dorsal thalamus_posterior group |
135 | ptg | Posterior thalamic group | Dorsal thalamus_posterior group |
32 | LGN | Lateral geniculate nucleus | Geniculate region |
510 | MGv | Medial geniculate nucleus, ventral division | Geniculate region |
511 | MGad | Medial geniculate nucleus, anterodorsal division | Geniculate region |
512 | MGm | Medial geniculate nucleus, medial division | Geniculate region |
513 | MGz | Medial geniculate nucleus, transition zone | Geniculate region |
514 | MGpd | Medial geniculate nucleus, posterodorsal division | Geniculate region |
34 | Hl | Lateral habenular nucleus | Epithalamus |
35 | Hm | Medial habenular nucleus | Epithalamus |
136 | Sg | Suprageniculate nucleus | Other thalamic region |
36 | r | Reticular nucleus | Other thalamic region |
37 | zic | Zona incerta | Other thalamic region |
126 | Sm | Stria medullaris | Fiber bundle |
175 | iml | Internal medullary lamina | Fiber bundle |
Hypothalamic subregions and associated fiber bundles | |||
160 | POA | Preoptic area | anterior group |
161 | PVN | Paraventricular nucleus | anterior group |
162 | SON | Supraoptic nucleus | anterior group |
163 | SCN | Suprachiasmatic nucleus | anterior group |
164 | DM | Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus | Middle (Tuberal and medial) group |
165 | VM | Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus | Middle (Tuberal and medial) group |
166 | LT | Lateral hypothalamic nucleus | Middle (Tuberal and medial) group |
167 | Arh | Arcuate hypothalamic nucleus | Middle (Tuberal and medial) group |
168 | SOR | Supraoptic nucleus, retrochiasmatic part | Middle (Tuberal and medial) group |
243 | mtn | Medial tuberal nucleus | Middle (Tuberal and medial) group |
193 | TCA | Tuber cinereum area | Middle (Tuberal and medial) group |
243 | mtn | Medial tuberal nucleus | Middle (Tuberal and medial) group |
170 | PMN | Paramammillary nucleus | Posterior group |
39 | MMN | Medial mammillary nucleus | Posterior group |
40 | LMN | Lateral mammillary nucleus | Posterior group |
191 | SMN | Supramammillary nucleus | Posterior group |
67 | OC | Optic chiasm | Fiber bundle |
68 | ot | Optic tract | Fiber bundle |
Brainstem (Midbrain, Pons, and Medulla)/Spinal cord junction and associated fiber bundles | |||
42 | 3rd | Third cranial (oculomotor) nuclei | Midbrain |
43 | 4th | Fourth cranial (trochlear) nuclei | Midbrain |
44 | SC | Superior colliculus | Midbrain |
45 | IC | Inferior colliculus | Midbrain |
226 | DR | Dorsal raphe | Midbrain |
227 | DTg | Dorsal tegmental nucleus | Midbrain |
133 | PAG | Periaqueductal gray | Midbrain |
138 | inc | Interstitial nucleus of Cajal | Midbrain |
139 | nd | Nucleus of Darkschewitsch | Midbrain |
140 | IPN | Interpeduncular nucleus | Midbrain |
142 | VTA | Ventral tegmental area | Midbrain |
159 | PN | Pontine nuclei | Midbrain |
177 | MR | Median raphe | Midbrain |
180 | vnll | Ventral nucleus of lateral lemniscus | Midbrain |
181 | dnll | Dorsal nucleus of lateral lemniscus | Midbrain |
268 | APN | Anterior pretectal nucleus | Midbrain |
269 | MRF | Midbrain reticular formation | Midbrain |
183 | nbic | Nucleus of brachium of inferior colliculus | Midbrain |
184 | pbgn | Parabigeminal nucleus | Midbrain |
189 | ldtn | Lateral dorsal tegmental nucleus | Midbrain |
273 | ltn | Lateral terminal nucleus | Midbrain |
274 | atn | Anterior tegmental nucleus | Midbrain |
275 | San | Sagulum nucleus | Midbrain/Pons |
276 | PRF | Pontine reticular formation | Midbrain/Pons |
46 | 5th | Fifth cranial (trigeminal) nuclei | Pons |
47 | 6th | Sixth cranial (abducent) nuclei | Pons |
48 | 7th | Seventh cranial (facial) nuclei | Pons |
52 | soc | Superior olivary complex | Pons |
218 | lc | Locus coeruleus | Pons |
220 | MC5_nu | Mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus | Pons |
221 | PBN | Parabrachial nucleus | Pons |
251 | sVN | Superior vestibular nucleus | Pons |
252 | pstn | Principal sensory trigeminal nucleus | Pons |
254 | RF (ngc) | Reticular formation, nucleus gigantocellularis | Pons |
257 | nro | Nucleus raphe obscurus | Pons |
258 | nrm | Nucleus raphe magnus | Pons |
259 | nrp | Nucleus raphe pallidus | Pons |
260 | RF (npo) | Reticular formation, nucleus pontis centralis oralis | Pons |
270 | dpgn | Dorsal paragigantocellular nucleus | Pons |
271 | lpgn | Lateral paragigantocellular nucleus | Pons |
272 | nrip | Nucleus raphe interpositus | Pons |
267 | rtn | Reticulo-tegmental nucleus | Pons |
528 | ntb | Nucleus of trapezoid body | Pons |
50 | stn | Spinal trigeminal nucleus | pons and medulla |
248 | mVN | Medial vestibular nucleus | Pons and medulla |
249 | lVN | Lateral vestibular nucleus | Pons and medulla |
250 | spVN | Spinal vestibular nucleus | Pons and medulla |
51 | ion | Inferior olivary nucleus | Medulla |
53 | chn | Cochlear nucleus | Medulla |
54 | 12th | Twelfth cranial (hypoglossal) nuclei | Medulla |
55 | denv_10 | Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus (tenth cranial nuclei) | Medulla |
56 | sn | Solitary nucleus | Medulla |
57 | np | Nucleus prepositus | Medulla |
230 | AN | Ambiguus nucleus | Medulla |
58 | gn | Gracile nucleus | Medulla |
59 | cn | Cuneate nucleus | Medulla |
60 | lcn | Lateral cuneate nucleus | Medulla |
232 | lrn | Lateral reticular nucleus | Medulla |
255 | irn | Intermediate reticular nucleus | Medulla |
256 | prn | Parvicellular reticular nucleus | Medulla |
261 | mrn_d | Medullary reticular nucleus, dorsal part | Medulla |
262 | mrn_v | Medullary reticular nucleus, ventral part | Medulla |
265 | stn (g) | Spinal trigeminal nucleus, gelatinosa layer | Spinal cord |
266 | IX-lamina 9 | Lamina 9 of the spinal gray | Spinal cord |
278 | CG | Central gray | Spinal cord |
134 | bsc | Brachium of superior colliculus | Fiber bundle |
144 | mlf | Medial longitudinal fasciculus | Fiber bundle |
145 | SCPX | Superior cerebellar peduncle decussation | Fiber bundle |
147 | gf | Gracile fasciculus | Fiber bundle |
148 | ml | Medial lemniscus | Fiber bundle |
149 | tb | Trapezoid body | Fiber bundle |
152 | cf | Cuneate fasciculus | Fiber bundle |
153 | SCP | Superior cerebellar peduncle | Fiber bundle |
154 | pc | Posterior commissure | Fiber bundle |
157 | ic_CP_CST_CBT | Internal capsule, cerebral peduncle, corticospinal, or corticobulbar tract | Fiber bundle |
182 | bic | Brachium of inferior colliculus | Fiber bundle |
185 | ll | Lateral lemniscus | Fiber bundle |
190 | MTT | Mammillothalamic tract | Fiber bundle |
216 | ICP | Inferior cerebellar peduncle | Fiber bundle |
217 | MCP | Middle cerebellar peduncle | Fiber bundle |
219 | MC5_t | Mesencephalic trigeminal tract | Fiber bundle |
263 | LCST | Lateral corticospinal tract | Fiber bundle |
277 | ACST | Anterior corticospinal tract | Fiber bundle |
264 | pd | Pyramidal decussation | Fiber bundle |
527 | 5n | Motor root of trigeminal nerve | Fiber bundle |
529 | 7n | Facial nerve | Fiber bundle |
530 | fc | Facial colliculus | Fiber bundle |
531 | st | Solitary tract | Fiber bundle |
244 | vsct | Ventral spinocerebellar tract | Fiber bundle |
245 | cic | Commissure of inferior colliculus | Fiber bundle |
246 | csc | Commissure of superior colliculus | Fiber bundle |
247 | oct | Olivocerebellar tract | Fiber bundle |
253 | 8n | Vestibulocochlear nerve | Fiber bundle |
231 | stt | Spinal trigeminal tract_5th | Fiber bundle |
69 | fr | Fasciculus retroflexus | Fiber bundle |
Cerebellum | |||
108 | I | Cerebellar lobule I | Lobe |
109 | II | Cerebellar lobule II | Lobe |
110 | III | Cerebellar lobule III | Lobe |
111 | IV | Cerebellar lobule IV | Lobe |
112 | V | Cerebellar lobule V | Lobe |
113 | VI | Cerebellar lobule VI | Lobe |
114 | VII | Cerebellar lobule VII | Lobe |
115 | VIII | Cerebellar lobule VIII | Lobe |
116 | IX | Cerebellar lobule IX | Lobe |
117 | X | Cerebellar lobule X | Lobe |
118 | Par_p | Paramedian lobule posterior part | Lobe |
119 | Par_a | Paramedian lobule anterior part | Lobe |
120 | Cr_II | Crus II of the ansiform lobule | Lobe |
121 | Cr_I | Crus I of the ansiform lobule | Lobe |
125 | Fl | Flocculus | Lobe |
233 | PFl | Paraflocculus | Lobe |
222 | Sim_a | Anterior part of the simple lobule | Lobe |
223 | Sim_p | Posterior part of the simple lobule | Lobe |
61 | DN | Dentate nucleus | Deep cerebellar nuclei |
62 | AIN | Anterior interposed nucleus | Deep cerebellar nuclei |
63 | PIN | Posterior interposed nucleus | Deep cerebellar nuclei |
64 | FN | Fastigial nucleus | Deep cerebellar nuclei |
Limbic region (Amygdala) | |||
237 | L | Lateral nucleus of amygdala | |
82 | Bmc | Basal nucleus of amygdala, magnocellular subdivision | |
83 | Bi | Basal nucleus of amygdala, intermediate subdivision | |
84 | Bpc | Basal nucleus of amygdala, parvicellular subdivision | |
85 | ABmc | Accessory basal nucleus of amygdala, magnocellular | |
86 | ABpc | Accessory basal nucleus of amygdala, parvicellular | |
238 | ABs | Accessory basal nucleus of amygdala, superficial division | |
311 | AAA | Anterior amygdaloid area | |
87 | COa | Anterior cortical nucleus | |
97 | COp | Posterior cortical nucleus | |
89 | NLOT | Nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract | |
508 | PACo/Pir | Periamygdaloid cortex o/piriform cortex | |
509 | PAC2 | Periamygdaloid cortex 2 | |
90 | PAC3 | Periamygdaloid cortex 3 | |
91 | PACs | Periamygdaloid cortex, sulcal portion | |
93 | ME | Medial nucleus of amygdala | |
95 | AHA | Amygdalohippocampal area | |
96 | PL_prime | Paralaminar nucleus in amygdala | |
239 | CEm | Central nucleus of amygdala, medial division | |
240 | CEl | Central nucleus of amygdala, lateral division | |
241 | CEc | Central nucleus of amygdala, capsular division | |
Allocortical region (Hippocampal formation) and associated fiber bundle | |||
242 | FD | Fascia dentata (granule cell layer) | Dentate Gyrus subregions |
71 | CA1 | CA1 subfield of hippocampus | Cornu Ammonis (CA) |
72 | CA2 | CA2 subfield of hippocampus | Cornu Ammonis (CA) |
73 | CA3 | CA3 subfield of hippocampus | Cornu Ammonis (CA) |
74 | CA4 | CA4 subfield of hippocampus | Cornu Ammonis (CA) |
76 | preS | Presubiculum | Subicular region |
77 | Sub | Subiculum | Subicular region |
78 | proS | Prosubiculum | Subicular region |
79 | paraS | Parasubiculum | Subicular region |
137 | f | Fornix | Fiber bundle |
Basal forebrain (Cholinergic cell groups) | |||
209 | Ch1 | Cholinergic cell group 1 | Basal forebrain |
202 | Ch2 | Cholinergic cell group 2 (nucleus of vertical limb of the diagonal band) | Basal forebrain |
203 | Ch3 | Cholinergic cell group 3 (nucleus of horizontal limb of the diagonal band) | Basal forebrain |
204 | Ch4_al | Cholinergic cell group 4, anterior lateral division (nucleus basalis of Meynert) | Basal forebrain |
205 | Ch4_am | Cholinergic cell group 4, anterior medial division (nucleus basalis of Meynert) | Basal forebrain |
206 | Ch4_id | Cholinergic cell group 4, intermedio-dorsal division (nucleus basalis of Meynert) | Basal forebrain |
207 | Ch4_iv | Cholinergic cell group 4, intermedio-ventral division (nucleus basalis of Meynert) | Basal forebrain |
208 | Ch4_p | Cholinergic cell group 4, posterior division | Basal forebrain |
Bed nucleus of stria terminalis | |||
196 | BSTM | Medial bed nucleus of stria terminalis | Bed nucleus of stria terminalis |
197 | BSTLcn | Lateral bed nucleus of stria terminalis, central subdivision | Bed nucleus of stria terminalis |
198 | BSTP | Posterior bed nucleus of stria terminalis | Bed nucleus of stria terminalis |
200 | BSTLc | Lateral bed nucleus of stria terminalis, capsular subdivision | Bed nucleus of stria terminalis |
201 | BSTLj | Lateral bed nucleus of stria terminalis, juxtacapsular subdivision | Bed nucleus of stria terminalis |
Subcortical Atlas of Marmoset (SAM) V1.0 - SUMMARY | |||
Total number of subcortical areas segmented: 251 | |||
Segmented gray matter structures: 211 | |||
Segmented white matter fiber bundles: 40 |
Note: The 210 subcortical gray matter structures also include non-subcortical regions such as the hippocampal formation and the cerebellum.