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. 2024 Apr 20;34(4):bhae120. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhae120

Table 1.

Subcortical Atlas of the Marmoset (“SAM”)—Version 1.0

Atlas label # Abbreviations Basal ganglia subregions and associated fiber bundles and Claustrum
1 pu Putamen Striatum
2 cd Caudate nucleus Striatum
3 NA Nucleus accumbens Ventral striatum
210 OT Olfactory tubercle Ventral striatum
10 VP Ventral pallidum Pallidum
4 GPe Globus pallidus external segment Pallidum
5 GPi Globus pallidus internal segment Pallidum
9 STN Subthalamic nucleus Nigral region
6 SNpr Substantia nigra pars reticulata Nigral region
7 SNpc Substantia nigra pars compacta Nigral region
8 SNpl Substantia nigra pars lateralis Nigral region
70 SNpm Substantia nigra pars mixta Nigral region
215 lf_al Lenticular fasciculus and ansa lenticularis Fiber bundle
213 H1 H1 field of Forel Fiber bundle
212 H2 H2 field of Forel Fiber bundle
211 mb Muratoff bundle Fiber bundle
66 ac Anterior commissure Fiber bundle
474 cla Claustrum other subcortical region
Red nucleus
526 prf Prerubral field Brainstem/Midbrain
41 RNpc Red nucleus, parvicellular division Brainstem/Midbrain
122 RNmc Red nucleus, magnocellular division Brainstem/Midbrain
Thalamic subregions and associated fiber bundles
11 AV Anterior ventral nucleus Dorsal thalamus_anterior group
12 AM Anterior medial nucleus Dorsal thalamus_anterior group
128 AD Anterior dorsal nucleus Dorsal thalamus_anterior group
15 LD Lateral dorsal nucleus Dorsal thalamus_anterior group
13 VApc Ventral anterior nucleus, parvicellular division Dorsal thalamus_lateral group
14 VAmc Ventral anterior nucleus, magnocellular division Dorsal thalamus_lateral group
19 VLc Ventral lateral caudal nucleus Dorsal thalamus_lateral group
20 VLo Ventral lateral oral nucleus Dorsal thalamus_lateral group
21 VPI Ventral posterior inferior nucleus Dorsal thalamus_lateral group
22 VPM Ventral posterior medial nucleus Dorsal thalamus_lateral group
23 VPMpc Ventral posterior medial nucleus, parvicellular division Dorsal thalamus_lateral group
26 LP Lateral posterior nucleus Dorsal thalamus_lateral group
27 VPLc Ventral posterior lateral caudal nucleus Dorsal thalamus_lateral group
103 VLps Ventral lateral postrema nucleus Dorsal thalamus_lateral group
127 pt Parataenial nucleus Dorsal thalamus_medial group
38 Pa Paraventricular nucleus Dorsal thalamus_medial group
16 MDmc Mediodorsal nucleus, magnocellular division Dorsal thalamus_medial group
17 MDpc Mediodorsal nucleus, parvicellular division Dorsal thalamus_medial group
18 MDmf Mediodorsal nucleus, multiform division Dorsal thalamus_medial group
31 MDdc Mediodorsal nucleus, densocellular division Dorsal thalamus_medial group
228 cif Central inferior nucleus Dorsal thalamus_medial group
229 cdc Central dorsocellular nucleus Dorsal thalamus_medial group
131 Re Reunions nucleus Dorsal thalamus_medial group
106 cim Central intermediate nucleus Dorsal thalamus_medial group
24 cnMD Centromedian nucleus Dorsal thalamus_intralaminar group
25 Pf Parafascicular nucleus Dorsal thalamus_intralaminar group
104 csl Central superior lateral nucleus Dorsal thalamus_intralaminar group
105 cl Central lateral nucleus Dorsal thalamus_intralaminar group
129 pcn Paracentral nucleus Dorsal thalamus_intralaminar group
130 clc Central latocellular nucleus Dorsal thalamus_intralaminar group
28 PM Medial pulvinar Dorsal thalamus_posterior group
29 PL Lateral pulvinar Dorsal thalamus_posterior group
523 PIc Inferior pulvinar, central nucleus Dorsal thalamus_posterior group
524 PIm Inferior pulvinar, medial nucleus Dorsal thalamus_posterior group
525 PIp Inferior pulvinar, posterior nucleus Dorsal thalamus_posterior group
132 Pulo Pulvinar oralis nucleus Dorsal thalamus_posterior group
135 ptg Posterior thalamic group Dorsal thalamus_posterior group
32 LGN Lateral geniculate nucleus Geniculate region
510 MGv Medial geniculate nucleus, ventral division Geniculate region
511 MGad Medial geniculate nucleus, anterodorsal division Geniculate region
512 MGm Medial geniculate nucleus, medial division Geniculate region
513 MGz Medial geniculate nucleus, transition zone Geniculate region
514 MGpd Medial geniculate nucleus, posterodorsal division Geniculate region
34 Hl Lateral habenular nucleus Epithalamus
35 Hm Medial habenular nucleus Epithalamus
136 Sg Suprageniculate nucleus Other thalamic region
36 r Reticular nucleus Other thalamic region
37 zic Zona incerta Other thalamic region
126 Sm Stria medullaris Fiber bundle
175 iml Internal medullary lamina Fiber bundle
Hypothalamic subregions and associated fiber bundles
160 POA Preoptic area anterior group
161 PVN Paraventricular nucleus anterior group
162 SON Supraoptic nucleus anterior group
163 SCN Suprachiasmatic nucleus anterior group
164 DM Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus Middle (Tuberal and medial) group
165 VM Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus Middle (Tuberal and medial) group
166 LT Lateral hypothalamic nucleus Middle (Tuberal and medial) group
167 Arh Arcuate hypothalamic nucleus Middle (Tuberal and medial) group
168 SOR Supraoptic nucleus, retrochiasmatic part Middle (Tuberal and medial) group
243 mtn Medial tuberal nucleus Middle (Tuberal and medial) group
193 TCA Tuber cinereum area Middle (Tuberal and medial) group
243 mtn Medial tuberal nucleus Middle (Tuberal and medial) group
170 PMN Paramammillary nucleus Posterior group
39 MMN Medial mammillary nucleus Posterior group
40 LMN Lateral mammillary nucleus Posterior group
191 SMN Supramammillary nucleus Posterior group
67 OC Optic chiasm Fiber bundle
68 ot Optic tract Fiber bundle
Brainstem (Midbrain, Pons, and Medulla)/Spinal cord junction and associated fiber bundles
42 3rd Third cranial (oculomotor) nuclei Midbrain
43 4th Fourth cranial (trochlear) nuclei Midbrain
44 SC Superior colliculus Midbrain
45 IC Inferior colliculus Midbrain
226 DR Dorsal raphe Midbrain
227 DTg Dorsal tegmental nucleus Midbrain
133 PAG Periaqueductal gray Midbrain
138 inc Interstitial nucleus of Cajal Midbrain
139 nd Nucleus of Darkschewitsch Midbrain
140 IPN Interpeduncular nucleus Midbrain
142 VTA Ventral tegmental area Midbrain
159 PN Pontine nuclei Midbrain
177 MR Median raphe Midbrain
180 vnll Ventral nucleus of lateral lemniscus Midbrain
181 dnll Dorsal nucleus of lateral lemniscus Midbrain
268 APN Anterior pretectal nucleus Midbrain
269 MRF Midbrain reticular formation Midbrain
183 nbic Nucleus of brachium of inferior colliculus Midbrain
184 pbgn Parabigeminal nucleus Midbrain
189 ldtn Lateral dorsal tegmental nucleus Midbrain
273 ltn Lateral terminal nucleus Midbrain
274 atn Anterior tegmental nucleus Midbrain
275 San Sagulum nucleus Midbrain/Pons
276 PRF Pontine reticular formation Midbrain/Pons
46 5th Fifth cranial (trigeminal) nuclei Pons
47 6th Sixth cranial (abducent) nuclei Pons
48 7th Seventh cranial (facial) nuclei Pons
52 soc Superior olivary complex Pons
218 lc Locus coeruleus Pons
220 MC5_nu Mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus Pons
221 PBN Parabrachial nucleus Pons
251 sVN Superior vestibular nucleus Pons
252 pstn Principal sensory trigeminal nucleus Pons
254 RF (ngc) Reticular formation, nucleus gigantocellularis Pons
257 nro Nucleus raphe obscurus Pons
258 nrm Nucleus raphe magnus Pons
259 nrp Nucleus raphe pallidus Pons
260 RF (npo) Reticular formation, nucleus pontis centralis oralis Pons
270 dpgn Dorsal paragigantocellular nucleus Pons
271 lpgn Lateral paragigantocellular nucleus Pons
272 nrip Nucleus raphe interpositus Pons
267 rtn Reticulo-tegmental nucleus Pons
528 ntb Nucleus of trapezoid body Pons
50 stn Spinal trigeminal nucleus pons and medulla
248 mVN Medial vestibular nucleus Pons and medulla
249 lVN Lateral vestibular nucleus Pons and medulla
250 spVN Spinal vestibular nucleus Pons and medulla
51 ion Inferior olivary nucleus Medulla
53 chn Cochlear nucleus Medulla
54 12th Twelfth cranial (hypoglossal) nuclei Medulla
55 denv_10 Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus (tenth cranial nuclei) Medulla
56 sn Solitary nucleus Medulla
57 np Nucleus prepositus Medulla
230 AN Ambiguus nucleus Medulla
58 gn Gracile nucleus Medulla
59 cn Cuneate nucleus Medulla
60 lcn Lateral cuneate nucleus Medulla
232 lrn Lateral reticular nucleus Medulla
255 irn Intermediate reticular nucleus Medulla
256 prn Parvicellular reticular nucleus Medulla
261 mrn_d Medullary reticular nucleus, dorsal part Medulla
262 mrn_v Medullary reticular nucleus, ventral part Medulla
265 stn (g) Spinal trigeminal nucleus, gelatinosa layer Spinal cord
266 IX-lamina 9 Lamina 9 of the spinal gray Spinal cord
278 CG Central gray Spinal cord
134 bsc Brachium of superior colliculus Fiber bundle
144 mlf Medial longitudinal fasciculus Fiber bundle
145 SCPX Superior cerebellar peduncle decussation Fiber bundle
147 gf Gracile fasciculus Fiber bundle
148 ml Medial lemniscus Fiber bundle
149 tb Trapezoid body Fiber bundle
152 cf Cuneate fasciculus Fiber bundle
153 SCP Superior cerebellar peduncle Fiber bundle
154 pc Posterior commissure Fiber bundle
157 ic_CP_CST_CBT Internal capsule, cerebral peduncle, corticospinal, or corticobulbar tract Fiber bundle
182 bic Brachium of inferior colliculus Fiber bundle
185 ll Lateral lemniscus Fiber bundle
190 MTT Mammillothalamic tract Fiber bundle
216 ICP Inferior cerebellar peduncle Fiber bundle
217 MCP Middle cerebellar peduncle Fiber bundle
219 MC5_t Mesencephalic trigeminal tract Fiber bundle
263 LCST Lateral corticospinal tract Fiber bundle
277 ACST Anterior corticospinal tract Fiber bundle
264 pd Pyramidal decussation Fiber bundle
527 5n Motor root of trigeminal nerve Fiber bundle
529 7n Facial nerve Fiber bundle
530 fc Facial colliculus Fiber bundle
531 st Solitary tract Fiber bundle
244 vsct Ventral spinocerebellar tract Fiber bundle
245 cic Commissure of inferior colliculus Fiber bundle
246 csc Commissure of superior colliculus Fiber bundle
247 oct Olivocerebellar tract Fiber bundle
253 8n Vestibulocochlear nerve Fiber bundle
231 stt Spinal trigeminal tract_5th Fiber bundle
69 fr Fasciculus retroflexus Fiber bundle
108 I Cerebellar lobule I Lobe
109 II Cerebellar lobule II Lobe
110 III Cerebellar lobule III Lobe
111 IV Cerebellar lobule IV Lobe
112 V Cerebellar lobule V Lobe
113 VI Cerebellar lobule VI Lobe
114 VII Cerebellar lobule VII Lobe
115 VIII Cerebellar lobule VIII Lobe
116 IX Cerebellar lobule IX Lobe
117 X Cerebellar lobule X Lobe
118 Par_p Paramedian lobule posterior part Lobe
119 Par_a Paramedian lobule anterior part Lobe
120 Cr_II Crus II of the ansiform lobule Lobe
121 Cr_I Crus I of the ansiform lobule Lobe
125 Fl Flocculus Lobe
233 PFl Paraflocculus Lobe
222 Sim_a Anterior part of the simple lobule Lobe
223 Sim_p Posterior part of the simple lobule Lobe
61 DN Dentate nucleus Deep cerebellar nuclei
62 AIN Anterior interposed nucleus Deep cerebellar nuclei
63 PIN Posterior interposed nucleus Deep cerebellar nuclei
64 FN Fastigial nucleus Deep cerebellar nuclei
Limbic region (Amygdala)
237 L Lateral nucleus of amygdala
82 Bmc Basal nucleus of amygdala, magnocellular subdivision
83 Bi Basal nucleus of amygdala, intermediate subdivision
84 Bpc Basal nucleus of amygdala, parvicellular subdivision
85 ABmc Accessory basal nucleus of amygdala, magnocellular
86 ABpc Accessory basal nucleus of amygdala, parvicellular
238 ABs Accessory basal nucleus of amygdala, superficial division
311 AAA Anterior amygdaloid area
87 COa Anterior cortical nucleus
97 COp Posterior cortical nucleus
89 NLOT Nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract
508 PACo/Pir Periamygdaloid cortex o/piriform cortex
509 PAC2 Periamygdaloid cortex 2
90 PAC3 Periamygdaloid cortex 3
91 PACs Periamygdaloid cortex, sulcal portion
93 ME Medial nucleus of amygdala
95 AHA Amygdalohippocampal area
96 PL_prime Paralaminar nucleus in amygdala
239 CEm Central nucleus of amygdala, medial division
240 CEl Central nucleus of amygdala, lateral division
241 CEc Central nucleus of amygdala, capsular division
Allocortical region (Hippocampal formation) and associated fiber bundle
242 FD Fascia dentata (granule cell layer) Dentate Gyrus subregions
71 CA1 CA1 subfield of hippocampus Cornu Ammonis (CA)
72 CA2 CA2 subfield of hippocampus Cornu Ammonis (CA)
73 CA3 CA3 subfield of hippocampus Cornu Ammonis (CA)
74 CA4 CA4 subfield of hippocampus Cornu Ammonis (CA)
76 preS Presubiculum Subicular region
77 Sub Subiculum Subicular region
78 proS Prosubiculum Subicular region
79 paraS Parasubiculum Subicular region
137 f Fornix Fiber bundle
Basal forebrain (Cholinergic cell groups)
209 Ch1 Cholinergic cell group 1 Basal forebrain
202 Ch2 Cholinergic cell group 2 (nucleus of vertical limb of the diagonal band) Basal forebrain
203 Ch3 Cholinergic cell group 3 (nucleus of horizontal limb of the diagonal band) Basal forebrain
204 Ch4_al Cholinergic cell group 4, anterior lateral division (nucleus basalis of Meynert) Basal forebrain
205 Ch4_am Cholinergic cell group 4, anterior medial division (nucleus basalis of Meynert) Basal forebrain
206 Ch4_id Cholinergic cell group 4, intermedio-dorsal division (nucleus basalis of Meynert) Basal forebrain
207 Ch4_iv Cholinergic cell group 4, intermedio-ventral division (nucleus basalis of Meynert) Basal forebrain
208 Ch4_p Cholinergic cell group 4, posterior division Basal forebrain
Bed nucleus of stria terminalis
196 BSTM Medial bed nucleus of stria terminalis Bed nucleus of stria terminalis
197 BSTLcn Lateral bed nucleus of stria terminalis, central subdivision Bed nucleus of stria terminalis
198 BSTP Posterior bed nucleus of stria terminalis Bed nucleus of stria terminalis
200 BSTLc Lateral bed nucleus of stria terminalis, capsular subdivision Bed nucleus of stria terminalis
201 BSTLj Lateral bed nucleus of stria terminalis, juxtacapsular subdivision Bed nucleus of stria terminalis
Subcortical Atlas of Marmoset (SAM) V1.0 - SUMMARY
Total number of subcortical areas segmented: 251
Segmented gray matter structures: 211
Segmented white matter fiber bundles: 40

Note: The 210 subcortical gray matter structures also include non-subcortical regions such as the hippocampal formation and the cerebellum.