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. 2024 Sep 2;13(10):1771–1783. doi: 10.1002/psp4.13221


Main physicochemical and biopharmaceutics properties of omaveloxolone used in the model.

Parameter Value for crystalline drug Value for amorphous drug Reference/rationale
Molecular weight 554.7 From structure
Compound nature Crystalline Amorphous From FDA, chemistry review for omaveloxolone (NDA 216718) 41
pKa 7.26 (A) Measured
Log P >5 Measured
True density (g/mL) 1.2 Not reported. Default value used
Intrinsic solubility (μg/mL) 0.154 Approx. 1.1 Measured
Precipitation time (s) NA 25,167 Does not play a role in drug exposure per sensitivity analysis
In vitro degradation rate (min−1) 0 No measured chemical degradation for up to 24 h in biorelevant media
FaSSIF‐V2 solubility (μg/mL) 1.4 (24 h) 14 Measured. The value for the amorphous drug was taken as 10 times that for the crystalline drug (see page 11 of Supplementary Materials [Supplementary Results–Solubility and precipitation])
FeSSIF solubility (μg/mL) 9 (24 h) 90 Measured. The value for the amorphous drug was taken as 10 times that for the crystalline drug (see Supplementary Results–Solubility and precipitation)
Bile salt solubilization ratio 7.3 × 105 9.34 × 105 Fitted from solubility data in GastroPlus
Exponent for bile salt solubilization 1.3039 1.2813 Fitted from solubility data in GastroPlus
fu plasma (%) 3.1 From FDA, clinical pharmacology review for omaveloxolone (NDA 216718) 18
B/P ratio 0.70
DS particle size diameter (μm) Not reported. 50 μm radius for model use on crystalline content

D (v,0.1) = measured

D (v,0.5) = measured

D (v,0.9) = measured

Measured. Typical D (v,0.9) < 30 μm for amorphous drug
Jejunum P eff (10−4 cm/s) 3 Fitted to oral monkey data from RTA‐P‐18011. Predicted to be 3.841 using APv10.3
Formulation type Suspension (if precipitate) or same as amorphous or IR capsule (when spiked) 50‐mg immediate‐release capsules The recommended dose is 150 mg once daily
Model for dissolution Based on Johnson model using DS PSD, adjusted for bile salt effect on solubility and diffusion. Dissolution model employed a “controlled‐release undissolved” formulation type using measured dissolution with a Weibull fit of the data Based on mechanism of release and measured DS PSD (see Supplementary Materials and Methods–Integration of DP dissolution)
Model for distribution Full PBPK model with Lukacova parameters for K p calculation Based on best fit to monkey IV data
V max of CYP3A4 in the gut (mg/s) 0.5 Converted to in vivo V max from intrinsic HLM clearance and adjusted to PK data from study 1806
V max of CYP3A4 in the PBPK model (mg/s/mg‐enz) 0.015 Converted to in vivo V max from intrinsic HLM clearance and adjusted to PK data from study 1806
K m of CYP3A4 (μg/mL) 1 Rounded from 0.694 μg/mL; converted from CYP3A4 measured K m in study RTA408‐P‐1212
V max of P‐gp (mg/s) 2.523 × 10−4 Converted from Caco‐2‐derived data
K m of P‐gp (μg/mL) 2.9401 Converted from Caco‐2‐derived data

Abbreviations: B/P, blood:plasma concentration ratio; CYP3A4, cytochrome P450 3A4; D (v,0.1/0.5/0.9), 10%/50%/90% of particles are smaller than the stated size; DP, drug product; DS, drug substance; FaSSIF‐V2, fasted‐state simulated intestinal fluid V2; FDA, US Food and Drug Administration; FeSSIF, fed‐state simulated intestinal fluid; fu, fraction unbound; HLM, human liver microsome; IR, immediate‐release; IV, intravenous; K m, Michaelis–Menten constant; K p, permeability constant; log P; partition coefficient/lipophilicity; NDA, new drug application; PBPK, physiologically based pharmacokinetic; P eff, effective permeability; P‐gp, P‐glycoprotein; PK, pharmacokinetic; pKa, acid‐dissociation constant; PSD, particle size distribution; V max, maximum rate of reaction.