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. 2024 May 9;104(4):1533–1610. doi: 10.1152/physrev.00040.2023

Table 2.

Reported effects of CoQ10 supplementation on tissue CoQ10 levels

Model Type CoQ10 Formulation Total Dosage Treatment Effects
On CoQ10 Levels On ETC Function
Oral feeding
Wild-type mice
CoQ10 in chow 0.5% CoQ10, 3 mo Kidney ↑, liver ↑↑, brain ↔ ND (90)
CoQ10 in chow 93 or 371 mg/kg body wt/day, 3.5 or 17.5 mo Heart ↑, liver ↑↑, kidney ↑↑, skeletal muscle ↑↑, brain ↔, mito (liver, heart, kidney, skeletal muscle) ↑ Respiration of liver mito. ↔ (367)
Liposomal CoQ10 in drinking water ∼300–400 mg/kg body wt/day, 3–7 mo Liver ↑↑↑, muscle ↔, heart ↔, kidney ↔ NE (82, 123)
CoQ10 in chow 2.81 mg/g CoQ10 in food, 3 wk Liver and liver mito. ↑↑↑ NE (8)
Liposomal CoQ10 in drinking water 0.4 mg/mL, 12–13 wk Liver ↑↑↑; ovaries ↑↑, kidney ↔ oocyte mito. respiration and ATP ↑ (325)
Liquid CoQ10 15 mg/kg/day for 3 mo Liver ↑↑; muscle ↔, ND (117)
CoQ deficiency mouse models
 Pdss2kd/kd CoQ10 in chow 0.5% CoQ10 in food, 3 mo Kidney ↑, liver ↑↑, brain ↔ Kidney CI-III and CI-III ↔ (90)
 Pdss2kd/kd Liposomal CoQ10 in drinking water ∼200 mg/kg body wt/day, 3.5 mo Kidney ↔ ND (347)
 Coq7 KO Liposomal CoQ10 in drinking water ∼300–400 mg/kg body wt/day, 3–7 mo Liver ↑↑↑, muscle ↔, heart ↔, kidney ↔ Respiration of liver mito. ↑ (82, 123)
 Coq7+/ CoQ10 in chow 2.81 mg/g CoQ10 in food, 3 wk Liver and mito ↑↑↑ Liver CI-CIII ↑ (8)
 Coq9R239X Liquid CoQ10 240 mg/kg body wt/day, 2 mo Liver ↑↑, muscle ↑↑, heart ↔, kidney ↔, brain ↔, kidney ↔ Cerebrum mito. CI-CIII ↔, CII-CIII ↔ (368)
 Coq9R239X Liquid CoQ10H2 240 mg/kg body wt/day, 2 mo Liver ↑↑, kidney ↑, muscle ↑↑, heart ↑, kidney ↑, brain ↑, cerebrum mito. ↑ Cerebrum mito. CI-CIII ↑ CII-CIII ↑ (89, 368)
 ADCK2+/− Liquid CoQ10 15 mg/kg/day for 3 mo Liver ↑↑; muscle ↑ ND (117)
Intraperitoneal injection
Wild-type mice Intralipid-solubilized CoQ10 200 µL of 1.45 mM once Liver ↑↑↑, BAT ↑↑, skeletal muscle ↔, serum ↔ NE (356)
CoQ10 in 10% Tween 20 0.1 mg/g/day for 3 days Heart mito. ↔ NE (369)
Intravenous administration
Wild-type mice Micellar CoQ10 solution prepared with caspofungin 12.0 mg/kg body wt/day, 10 days Plasma ↑↑↑, liver↑↑↑, heart ↑↑, muscle ↑↑, kidney↑, spleen↑↑, lung ↑↑, brain ↑, heart mito ↑ ND (42)

BAT, brown adipose tissue; CI-CIII, complex I-III activity; CII-CIII, complex II-III activity; ETC, electron transport chain; mito., mitochondria; ND, not determined; NE, no effect. ↑<2-fold increase of CoQ10 levels; ↑↑2- to 10-fold increase of CoQ10 levels; ↑↑↑≥10-fold increase of CoQ10 levels; ↔no change in CoQ10 levels.