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. 2012 Oct 17;2012(10):CD004626. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004626.pub3

6. Quality criteria for the assessment of bias.

Quality criteria positive negative unclear Consequence of negative classification
Central randomisation Performed with adequate methods described Inadequate methods described Not Reported (NR) Confounding
Concealment of allocation Performed with adequate methods described Inadequate methods described NR Confounding
Statistical power Powered for survival Powered for response NR Underpowered for survival
Observational studies
Selection of patients Based on transparent criteria; plausible matching criteria Indicative of strong selection bias; resulting in incomparable groups NR Confounding
Study size Justified Fewer patients than planned NR Underpowered for OS
RCT and observational study
Confounding at baseline Reporting of at least 5 key prognostic factors per arm allowing assessment of similarity of groups Relevant difference in key prognostic factors obviously present clinically but not addressed </= 5 factors reported or no information per arm Confounding
Comparability of treatment Treatment identical up to and including first ASCT Notable difference with onset and duration of toxic treatment Unclear Lead‐time bias/
Subsequent treatment Information available with type and outcome per arm No information available NR or no info per arm Confounding
ITT analysis Yes, including definition reported No Analysis or definition NR Selection and attrition bias with loss of power1
Compliance with 2nd TASCT High (> 85%) Low (<70%) 70‐85%
or NR
Attrition bias1 or loss of power2
Completeness of follow‐up <15 % loss to follow‐up; censoring rules defined Incomplete follow‐up (> 15%) with unknown consequence for analysis Loss to follow‐up or censoring rules NR Attrition bias1 or loss of power2
Cross‐over Reported and < 15% Reported and > 15% NR Null bias
Definition of endpoints Comprehensive reporting of accepted/ established endpoint definitions Use of biased endpoint (e.g. different period of observation for study arms) Incomplete reporting* Lack of scientific validity
Standardisation of diagnostic procedures or central review Mentioning of standardisation efforts, use of accepted staging systems Reporting of centre effects or major changes in diagnostic criteria over the course of the study NR Information bias (if systematically different between arms)
Data maturity (Tricot 2009) > 4 years follow‐up (FU) Less than 4 years FU NR Insufficient follow‐up
 type& Peer‐reviewed full‐text
Conference presentations Not Applicable (NA) Error‐prone due to less proof‐reading (at the least)

NR not reported

1 if informative censoring

2 if at random

* of endpoint definitions with major impact on denominator (e.g. so‐called TRM)