. 2024 Oct 8;13:e63176. doi: 10.2196/63176
©Amanda M Durkin, Runyu Zou, Justin M Boucher, Matthew SP Boyles, Jeske van Boxel, Mariona Bustamante, Emily A Christopher, Payam Dadvand, Hanna M Dusza, Majorie van Duursen, Markus M Forsberg, Karen S Galea, Juliette Legler, Laurens DB Mandemaker, Florian Meirer, Jane Muncke, Tim S Nawrot, Petra Přibylová, Anna R Robuck, Nelly D Saenen, Barbara M Scholz-Böttcher, Kuanliang Shao, Martine Vrijheid, Douglas I Walker, Lisa Zimmermann, Laura M Zoutendijk, Virissa Lenters, Roel Vermeulen. Originally published in JMIR Research Protocols (https://www.researchprotocols.org), 08.10.2024.
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