Beck Depression Inventory-II |
BDI-II was broken into four subcategories (somatic symptoms, loss of self-worth, affective symptoms and apathy symptoms) with the intent to distinguish apathy from depression. The apathy subscale and a daily activity log filled out by the participants had a significant negative correlation (p = 0.009 and r = −0.29). As apathy scores from the BDI-II increased, reported frequency of daily activity decreased. Self-worth and apathy also correlated to a separate measurement of apathy (p = 0.002 and r = 0.32; p < 0.001 and r = 0.52). |
Participants had a TBI or brain lesion and were recruited from an outpatient clinic in Kyoto, Japan. |
Ubukata et al., 2021
Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) |
The BAI was given to an mTBI veteran population alongside the Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory (NSI). Results show that a score of 11 on the BAI is associated with the upper range of mild anxiety on the NSI with excellent sensitivity (0.9394) and good specificity (0.6333). |
Clinical veteran population (n = 308) and 95.8% met criteria for concussion after TBI testing (n = 364). |
Palmer and Palmer, 2021
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI) |
Sensitivity and specificity of detecting malingering using the MCMI improve when appropriate cutoffs are applied in TBI populations. A cutoff for disclosure ≥ 67, desirability ≤ 54, and debasement ≥ 71, yield 4% false positive error rate and sensitivity of 47% for disclosure, 55% for debasement and 51% for desirability. This increases accuracy of classing half of malingers and only misclassifying 4% of non-malingerers. |
Participants diagnosed with TBI (n = 108). |
Aguerrevere et al., 2011
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Second Edition (MMPI-2) |
Determining appropriate cutoffs for the MMPI-2 to optimize the accurate detection of malingering in TBI and other clinical populations. The results show that a Tscore cutoff of >89 in the FBS-r validity scale provides 48% sensitivity for malingers and 96% specificity TBI participants that passed validity measures. |
Clinical population (n = 147). Participants diagnosed with TBI (n = 59). |
Schroeder et al., 2012