Series | Changes from ADNI3 to ADNI4 |
MP‐RAGE | Kept the same for continuity. |
CS‐MP‐RAGE | New added sequence. Will test the diagnostic potential of an under 2‐minute acquisition using advanced compressed sensing reconstructions on data with 4.8‐ and 6‐fold acceleration. |
3D T2w FLAIR | Reduced slice thickness from 1.2 to 1 mm to produce isotropic voxels that match T1w and T2w structural images. Also, reduced echo time from 119 to 104 ms to compensate for SNR loss. |
Structural 3D isotropic T2w | New isotropic resolution structural T2w sequence with matched T1w and 3D T2w FLAIR coverage. |
Multi‐PLD 3D ASL | Went from single PLD in ADNI3 to a new multiple PLD ASL and proton density volumes to enable quantitative cerebral blood flow and arterial transit time mapping across all three vendors. |
T2* weighted GRE | Went from three echoes in ADNI3 to five echoes in ADNI4 to improve QSM estimates. |
Diffusion | Added multi‐band slice excitation acquisition on vendors where it recently became product. Added an additional short anterior–posterior acquisition to improve distortion correction. |
TF‐EPI‐BOLD | Used multi‐band slice excitation to improve the basic acquisitions sampling rate from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds. Due to overall protocol duration, the total acquisition time was reduced from 10 minutes to 5 minutes. |
High‐resolution hippo | Kept the same for continuity. |
Abbreviations: ADNI, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative; ASL, arterial spin labeling; CS, compressed sensing; FLAIR, fluid‐attenuated inversion recovery; GRE, gradient recalled echo; MP‐RAGE, magnetization‐prepared rapid acquisition gradient echo; PLD, post‐labeling delay; QSM, quantitative susceptibility mapping; SNR, signal‐to‐noise ratio; T1w, T1‐weighted; T2w, T2‐weighted; Task‐Free‐EPI‐BOLD, XXXXXXXX echo‐planar imaging blood‐oxygen level dependent.