Fig. 1. Dynamics of female behaviours during mating interaction.
a, Raster plot of ten female mating behaviours during one interaction with a male. b, The probability of mating behaviours during every 20 s (n = 74 trials, n = 28 mice). Behaviours were grouped as accept (comprising lordose and wiggle), appetitive (comprising approach and sniff) and resistance (comprising dart, top up, kick and turn); data are presented as mean ± s.e.m. c, Distribution of the percentage of time females displayed responsive versus self-initiated mating behaviours over the total mating behaviour time in each trial (n = 74 trials). Female self-initiated mating behaviours comprised appetitive behaviours and check genital area. Female-responsive mating behaviours comprised accept and resistance behaviours and staying. d, Percentage of time female or male mice displayed self-initiated mating behaviours in each trial (left). The box boundaries range from minimum to maximum, with a line at the median. Male self-initiated mating time over female in each trial (right; n = 74 trials). Data are presented as mean ± s.e.m. Male self-initiated mating behaviours included male sniffing, mounting and intromission. e, Distribution of the durations of male copulation bouts (left; n = 1,685) and IBIs (right; n = 1,611). Male copulation included mounting and intromission. f, Raster plot of female behaviours during copulation bouts and IBIs. Social behaviours comprised accepting, resistance and appetitive behaviours; and non-social disengaged behaviours comprised rearing, digging and chewing. g, Percentage of time females displayed social behaviours in each male copulation bout or IBI. ‘Others’ indicates all behaviours other than the defined social behaviours or non-social disengaged behaviours during interaction. h, Female behaviour probability aligned to male copulation offsets.