Fig. 2. Comparison of spectra resulting from FID and DEMz acquisition in phantoms.
Phantoms composed of ATP and NADH (A) or ATP and NAD+ (B) were measured. α-ATP suppression of 85% with an approximate signal loss of 22.7% for NADH and 22.9% for NAD+ were observed. Relative concentrations resulting from DEMz spectra of NADH (C) and NAD+ (D) phantoms over actual NADH and NAD+ concentrations of phantom compartments in mM are shown. In E and F, a series of editing echo times (TEj) of 13.75 ms, 25.0 ms, 27.5 ms, and 30.0 ms in double echo modified z-Filter (DEMz) sequence measuring a phantom composed of 5 mM ATP and 3.5 mM NADH (E) and a phantom with 5 mM ATP and 3.5 mM NAD+ (F) are shown. NADH resonance intensity remains stable over this range of TEj. -ATP residual is smallest at TEj 27.5 ms. Similarly, results were observed on the NAD+ resonance. Source data for C, D are provided as a Source Data file.