Fig. 4.
Plasma levels of six antioxidant-related proteins and correlations between the levels and average weekly alcohol consumption in 162 young adults. (A) The six applicable antioxidant-related gene proteins, namely those of the genes BNIP3, CCL5, MT3, PDLIM1, SOD1, and TTN, were selected. Only the SOD1 plasma level was significantly downregulated in the heavier-drinking group between any two of the three drinking groups. Plasma levels of BNIP3 and CCL5 were significantly downregulated in the heavier-drinking group between at least two of the three groups (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.001; n.s., not significant; Wilcoxon Kruskal–Wallis test). (B) Plasma levels of BNIP3, SOD1, and TTN were negatively correlated with average weekly alcohol consumption. Associations with p < 0.05 are shown in bold.