Figure 2.
Modeled versus measured concentrations of DEHP in PVC flooring in Switzerland in 2021/2022. Departing from the best-estimate model configuration (log-normal lifetime distribution of PVC flooring with mean of 20 years, high DEHP market share, early DEHP phase-out, low past recycling rates of PVC flooring; orange in all subplots), one parameter was varied at a time. The exact parameter values for the modeled system configurations are available from sections 2.2.2 and 2.2.3. The shaded area depicts the concentration range considered plausible based on the measurement data, extending to plus/minus two-thirds of the weighted measurement average (section 2.3.1). 15log: log-normal distribution, mean = 15 years, 20log: log-normal distribution, mean = 20 years, 20wei: Weibull distribution, mean = 20 years; 30log: log-normal distribution, mean = 30 years.