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. 2005 Jun 10;33(10):3424–3434. doi: 10.1093/nar/gki663

Table 1.

Data and refinement statistics

Data collection statistics
    Wavelength (Å) 1.0
    Space group P212121
    Unit cell parameters (Å) a = 99.6, b = 108.4, c = 169.4
    No. of unique reflections 61 700
    Resolution (Å)a 50–2.50 (2.59–2.50)
    Rmergea,b 7.8 (49.5)
    Completeness (%)a 96.0 (84.5)
    Ia 28.8 (3.3)
Refinement statistics
    Number of protein residues in the final modelc 761
    Number of base pairs in the DNA 146
    Number of water molecules 430
    Number of Mn ions 9
    Number of Cl ions 4
    Total number of atoms in the final model 12 475
        Rwork/Rfree (%)d 22.38/27.69
        R.m.s.d from ideality
            Bond (Å) 0.0062
            Angles (°) 1.14
        Average B-factors (Å2)
            Protein 28.91
            DNA 51.80
            Solvent 33.36

aValues in the parentheses are for the final shell.

bRmerge=|IhklIhkl|/Ihkl, where Ihkl is the intensity measurement for the reflection with indices hkl, and 〈Ihkl〉 is the mean intensity for multiply recorded reflections.

cResidues included in each histone subunit: H3: 38–134, H3′: 37–135, H4: 25–102, H4′: 18–102, H2A: 11–118, H2A′: 15–118, H2B: 30–125, H2B′: 31–124. The remaining portions of the histone tails were too disordered to be included in the final model.

dRwork,free=||Fobs||Fcalc||/|Fobs|, where the R-factors were calculated using the working and free reflection sets, respectively. The free reflections comprise a random 10% of the data reserved for unbiased cross-validation throughout the refinement.