Table 3.
Category | Behaviour | Definition |
Activity | Eat or drink | Focal pig has her head in the trough or in the drinker |
Eliminatesa | Focal pig excretes faeces or urine | |
Explores | Focal pig’s snout touches pen fitting | |
Immobile | Focal pig is either sitting or standing for more than 2 s and less than 30 s, and shows no specific movement | |
Inactive (Sara Hintze, unpublished) | Focal pig is either standing, sitting or lying, show no specific movement for more than 30 s. Focal pig remains inactive if it engages in exploration maximum twice or for less than 5 s, takes less than five steps away, stretches or changes posture | |
Lying down | Focal pig’s thorax touches the ground | |
Locomotor play | Focal pig produces erratic movements with no clear purpose, sudden reversal of behaviours. Includes run, spring, pivot. Performed alone | |
Object play | Focal pig nudges, chews, pulls or shakes enrichment (ball or rope) | |
Social play67 | Focal pig is performing playful behaviour with, or towards, another pig. Includes scampering, running, pivoting, head tossing, flopping or hopping | |
Agonistic behaviour | Focal pig forcefully fights with another pig. Includes bites, head knocks and chasing. Usually not performed within a play bout | |
Nose to nose | Focal pig is actively touching another pig’s snout with its snout (initiating the interaction) | |
Nose to body67 | Focal pig is actively touching another pig’s body part with its snout (initiating the interaction) | |
Receives | Focal pig receives interaction from another pig: agonistic, nose-to-nose or playful | |
Not visible | Focal pig is not clearly visible (i.e. typically snout is hidden) or its behaviour cannot be determined |
aScored as point event due to short duration.