Fig. 6. Structural threading of PfRH5-associated polymorphisms onto the BSG-PfRH5-PfCyRPA-mAbs complex.
A Distribution of identified SNPs, red spherical shapes, onto the PfRH5 structure. The model presented here was built by superposing the structure of PfRH5 in complex with BSG (4U0Q), PfCyRPA (6MPV), 9AD4 (4U0R), R5.004 and R5.016 (6RCU) and R5.011 and R5.016 (6RCV). BSG, PfRH5 and PfCyRPA ribbons are shown by light aqua, grey and light orange, respectively. Ribbons of the 9AD4, R5.004, R5.011 and R5.016 mAbs are depicted in dark red, blue, green and light red, respectively. B–H Sub panels highlighting the predicted effect of selected SNPs, the black dotted lines represent hydrogen bonds or salt bridges. From top-left to bottom-right: SNPs that potentially impact binding of PfRH5 and BSG (B), to enhance binding of PfRH5 to PfCyRPA (C), with no predicted function (D) or to alter the structure of PfRH5 E-G.