Figure 6. ALMA mock observations of the [C ii] (top) and [O iii] (bottom) line emissions from the CGM of the Ponos galaxy system, obtained with the CASA simulator ( CASA Team et al., 2022).
The field of view corresponds to the central 25 kpc region of the simulated galaxy halo (4.4 arcsec at z=6.5). The left panels show the total line emissions within the central 50 km s −1 channel. The middle panels show the same map after subtracting the ISM components, corresponding to the CGM-only contribution, which was given as input to the CASA simulator. The right panels show the resulting CASA mocks obtained with integration time set to 10 hours on-source (without overheads). We note the change in orientation of the maps shown in Figure 4. This figure is a modified version of that shown in Schimek et al. (2024).