Material comparison,
network encapsulation, and electromechanical
characterization. (A) Changes in both the electrical conductivity
and optical density at 1000 nm of MgB2 films (from data
shown in Figure 5F,G)
as a function of storage time in ambient conditions. Both data sets
show a similar exponential decay, which implies the two different
methods yield a comparable result for the nanomaterial decomposition
kinetics. (B, C) Initial conductivity (B) and nanosheet half-life
(C) for liquid deposited networks of MgB2, CrB2, and ZrB2 nanosheets. (D) Evolution of the MgB2 network conductivity before and after encapsulation. After an initial
drop postencapsulation, which we attribute to changes in the thin
film morphology, the conductivity stabilizes for times > 300 h.
Inset: I–V curves for a MgB2 nanosheet thin film after 4 iterative Langmuir-type depositions.
The green curve was recorded immediately postdeposition. A number
of additional curves were recorded at defined time intervals after
encapsulation of the film using a spray-on polymer, with the red curve
corresponding to the first I–V measurement after encapsulation. (E) Fractional resistance change
of a MgB2 film as a function of applied strain. Inset:
optical photograph of MgB2 nanosheets deposited on PET
after 4 iterations of the Langmuir-type deposition method.